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HitecAstro EQDIR module issues - Help Required Please

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Evenig all,

I have just tried to setup a HitecAstro EQDIR type module, hit the brick wall and wanted to run this by you in case you have a solution.

My inital setup, which I have tried, tested and was workking is an EQ6Pro with the latest v3 firmware connected to my PC via a Serial to USB convertor that uses the Prolific driver set into the handset and set that to "PC Direct mode".

I used various EQmod tools and SkyX to talk to my mount. (Using beta code for the SkyX BTW)

From this, I have removed the handset, cables and convertor from the physical side and replaced from the PC with a USB cable into the HitecASTRO module, then run the cable from the HitecASTRO into the serial port on my scope.

At this point the mount is switched OFF

When I plug in the USB cable, the PC sees the module and comes back with a com3 port as seen in my device manager.

Right, now I switch on the mount and wait for a few minutes. I see no new hardware discovery which I assume to be correct.

Now, I dive into EQASCOM Toolbox V1.19f (also tried all this with another laptop and an older version of EQASOM with no joy) and set the Timeout to 1000, Retry to 1, Baud to 9600 and the Port to COM3, then hit the FIND button. Now it always seems to "hang" on COM3 with all the other ports taking fractions of a second, but no matter what it never sees the scope.

So, have I done something wrong or is my EQDIR module foobared? I have tried various other settings in the toolbox driver setup but nothing works, I have tried a different laptop with different software without sucess and I have also swapped over the USB cable from the PC to the module, again nothing working.

Any ideas???

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this may sound obvious but its always worth asking as you have not mentioned it in the thread but have you downloaded eqmod ?

see here

also i always struggled to get eqmod to work successfully with the sky6 but starry night pro as well as a lot of the other stellarium programs were just fine. if you have maxim try connecting via that 1st and missing the sky6 out the loop just in case that is causing the problem

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Thanks for all your replies so far.

I have tried the different values within EQASCOM setup, the port from the XP device Manager point of view is set to 9600 8-N-1 No Flow Control, I have downloaded EQMOD (again just in case) and I have no luck with the SkyX, SN, PHD Guiding, and anything else from the EQ<name> stables.

Just to make sure, I have connected the laptop back into the handset and ran through the EQMOD software without any isues at all.

So, what next? Well, I tried this this morning and I'm wondering if this is typical or if something else should happen:

When I switch on the mount with the handset plugged in, the mount beeps after a few seconds and then starts it's usual very high pitched "whine", but if I don't have the handset pluged in and have the HitecAstro module in line, then the mount is ALWAYS silent. No beeps, no whine, nothing. This to me suggests that the mount is not getting some form of "startup" command. What happens if you are using a shoestring EQDIR module for example?



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I have just spoken to David from HitecASTRO (on a Sunday!!) and it seems that there maybe a fault with the unit. He has offered to get me going ASAP and is sending a replacment direct to me so as not to have to wait in returning this back to FLO with the subsequent delays.

So for me he is a top bloke with better than excellent Customer Service. Thanks David!

Cheers all for your help and advice


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