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Is there an astronomy forum for grown-ups somewhere?


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That should ensure ill-informed banter about Lady GaGa and whether she is or isn't a hermaphrodite, a man, or whatever would be moderated correctly from the outset.
Y'know, Mishmich, I DID vaguely wonder whether that was part of the issue? Perhaps you should derive COMFORT from the fact that not ALL of us shared this (frankly) "schoolboy humour"? That said, I occasionally FEEL a need to assert my inner (male) child! :D

Suffice it to say that [iMO] there ARE astronomers out there who, without being overly "politically correct", recognise astronomy may have an image problem. I feel that astronomy is still quite (dare I say!) a TAD... "retrosexual", also (economically anyway ) middle-class, even homophobic... above all, enduringly bloomin' MALE! Not such a bad thing to fight against... at least intellectually? :D

I think you do raise a VALID point - Please stick around? :)

P.S. We ALL want to moderate forums. I do think it important that we distinguish between forum "rules" re. swearing (whatever) and accusing often INNOCENT folks re. being "child unfriendly" etc. I'm glad anyway SGL doesn't yet have a moderator who sees herself as a "Den Mother". Somehow I too fell foul! My 50+ rebelious spirit couldn't ultimately hack that... :eek:

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No one is asking or expecting you to interact with any of the younger members of SGL. (though it might be a tad difficult to tell the difference online)

What we are expecting from you (no matter what your point of view is on any subject) is to show some common sense when posting and to refrain from using any form of expletive, disguised or otherwise...Its as simple as that......

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...could there not be an adults lounge -

Sorry Chris, that's not what SGL is all about....And that's not about to change any time soon....

I am sure there are hundreds of online places that cater for such conduct, just not astronomy related ones......

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Hi Chris,

yes, that is the point - there are sayings that are as old as the hills, that describe something precisely, but involve a word that might be considered profane. So the intent is conveying something with humour, when there it is a common saying and no equivalent springs to mind. Anyway, I have apologised, and appreciate I have to moderate how I express such sentiments.

On the subject of the lounge, saying that should be a free-for-all won't cut it. The same rules apply there as the rest of the forum. You cannot say to one person 'only talk about Astronomy', and to others 'talk about whatever you like, however ill-informed (and potentially derogatory or libellous), as long as it is in the lounge', and at the same time not allow somebody who may actually be informed on some aspects of the subject from contributing. That is ludicrous. If that is what you want, then why not make the lounge accessible only to children, then it won't come to anybody else's attention. That would be better than an adult section.

I don't see any point continuing this discussion further. Many who have expressed themselves here seem fairly clear that there is no alternative to this forum, and that there should not be, and that it is my duty and a privelege to engage with their children, and I should enjoy this. I have also had responses off-list that are helpful. I suggest this thread be closed now.

Be assured that I will endeavour not to insert humerous comments that risk offense in future, and I will refrain on commenting on threads that concern minority groups I am actively involved with - and if these come to my attention in the future, I will be reporting them to the admin team immediately, even though a moderator happens to be participating in such discussion.


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Sorry Chris, that's not what SGL is all about....And that's not about to change any time soon....

I am sure there are hundreds of online places that cater for such conduct, just not astronomy related ones......

It wasn't a request to have an adult lounge - to discuss topics outside astronomy as such...

But more to discuss astronomy issues that may have input that contains an adult theme or comments. Or a topic / thread / post that could be moved there to be discussed without offending the sensitive or younger viewer.

For example -

Mr X is out one night trying to get some good images of Mars - however some idiot passer by decides to hurl abuse and throws a can of larger at Mr X

Mr X wants to vent some anger at what happend - so posts on SGL pretty similar to an SGL member who has to put up with a neighbour that wants to floodlight the whole area within 10sq miles...

This should be in the adult lounge....where people could be free to put frank views across.

For example - I would want to suggest to Mr X - perhaps you should have put your scope away and followed this chap home....when knowing his address - take a skip load of rubbish and dump it on his property....

This kind of comment should not be aired or viewed to impressionable young readers of this forum...


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Rather than misrepresent my position, I would appreciate it if you listened.

I don't see anyone misrepresenting your position, just offering you advice on how to behave on a public forum and pointing you in the direction of the rules and guidlines that apply specifically to SGL.

I find your comments about not knowing who to act around children rather bizarre to say the least. Have you never had any contact with children at all? (EDIT: This sounds a bit a hard. It's not intended as a criticism, just curious as to how anyone could go thru life without having contact with younger people in some form or another)

Cutting back on swearing, profanities and inappropriate remarks is just good old fashion common sense and courtesy, something which applies in everyday life.

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Being Irish, every second word out of my mouth is usually the f word (and i dont mean Gordon Ramseys tv show.......more just Gordon Ramsey "F" word). Its a good thing these forums dont have a swear jar because i'd be broke and the owners would be rich.

Rules are rules and i'm happy to go along with them. It just means i have to edit my posts before i send them because the odd F word may have slipped through my fingers.

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:):DBeing Welsh, every second word out of my mouth is usually the f word (and i dont mean Gordon Ramseys tv show.......more just Gordon Ramsey "F" word). Its a good thing these forums dont have a swear jar because i'd be broke and the owners would be rich.:eek:.............Kev
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Yes, you won't hear such things from us prim'n'proper English!

I think Mishmash's request to lock the thread was perhaps a good one as i can see this descending into something not so nice! I think we all know where the rules are now and how best to use the forum.

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Fine. Perhaps this should be written into the guidelines somewhere - no discussion beyond astronomy. I'm happy with that. That should ensure ill-informed banter about Lady GaGa and whether she is or isn't a hermaphrodite, a man, or whatever would be moderated correctly from the outset.

I guess Windows vs Linux, XP vs Vista vs 7 could still run, on the basis that it has some bearking on using astronomic software.


You have raised a very significant issue there M. Should the forum have a lounge? Away from the language issue it is the lounge which tends to generate code of conduct problems. The problems can be related to adult humour, links to sites or videos in dubious taste, innuendo and overtly religious or political threads. The question is, does the lounge have a place on an astro forum. Some members feel it has no place on an astro forum, find that lounge posts clutter up the forum, moderation decisions become a source of friction and it lowers the standing of SGL. Others feel that SGL is a communitiy and that the lounge gives it an important extra dimension without which it could be a very dry place..

Our compromise has been to continue the lounge but tightly moderated. Actually we do give some leeway but I would groan if I saw a thread on Lady GaGa's gender ambiguity because I would know it was heading in an inappropirate direction!

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