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Is there an astronomy forum for grown-ups somewhere?


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It has been bought to my attention a couple of times now that this is a family site, and things I wouldn't normally think twice about mentioning in my own home have to be moderated because there might be children reading it.

Much as I really like this forum (and I do), I find this a bit tedious, and I wasn't particularly aware that there were children around - but I guess I wouldn't know. I suppose it goes with the territory, but I don't tend to participate on groups that include kids normally.

So, I'm wondering if there is an Astronomy forum somewhere that grown-ups can use without having to worry about kids? I'm afraid I don't have any myself, so they don't tend to enter into my thinking when I say things.


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Hi MishMish

I do not know of any forums.

These forums are really just the same as open spaces as anyone is free to browse them.

I always aim to write in the same way I would speak in public if there were a full range of people around me.



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You are correct we do have young children/teenagers that frequent this site so we have to have a zero tolerance to things like swearing etc.

To answer your question though out of the three astronomy sites that I frequent that being SGL, CN, and Iceinspace all these have the same rules.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful.

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If you compare this with many moderated forums, SGL is pretty liberal. By comparison I find Cloudy Nights sometimes treats you like a 10 year old! Personally, I think SGL gets the balance bag on.

Along time ago I was a regular poster on an unmoderated astronomy forum (I can't remember the name). I left because I got fed up with spam and rants from conspiracy theorists, religious zealots and egomaniacs.

That's got that off my chest - I think I'll go and have a lie down!:)

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I am afraid that you will probably find that most any astronomy forum will at the very least expect a level of conduct that would suit younger members.

There is no need to use expletives on an astronomy forum whether you use symbols or not to replace the actual word.

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M. It's not that there are too many youngsters on SGL itself, but anyone in the world looking for an astro forum, will inevitably find SGL, and the Astro Forum is the likliest place they will look.

They could range in age from 9 to 90, and therefore we have to make sure they are not faced with posts they need their parents to interpret. Some parents would not be hard pressed to understand some of the language disguised in asterisks.

It's not our intention to spoil SGL for you, but I'm sure you are Intelligent enough to express yourself without resorting to expletive assisted sentences.


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I think it is very important that children can access sites like this. There is enough negative things that fill their lives, and they need something positive like astronomy.

I couldn't agree more Colin. Most children that come here have a strong interest in astronomy and like most of us want to broaden there interests and learn, if they come accross a forum full of negatives and feel maybe a little threatened by adult behavior, then that is really not good on our part.

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My children regularly read the forums, the youngest being 6. Thank you for understanding that it is bad enough at school, we try to educate them to express themselves without profanity.

If you want a list of potential members for a standalone forum, I'm sure we could provide a list of all those banned in the past for breaching the code of conduct :eek::) I wonder how long it would last........

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It's not our intention to spoil SGL for you, but I'm sure you are Intelligent enough to express yourself without resorting to expletive assisted sentences.


Indeed. MishMich are you really leaving because you are unconfortable having to type without expletives? Fair enough if you are, but I have never heard of that before. Amazing.

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I dont think its really about the swearing, or lack of opportunity to be able to use it.

Maybe its more to do with the fact that children and teens are becoming more involved in posts.

Some people might feel that it will turn into a youth club rather than a forum and interest that should be seen as adult only.

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We have a large and active number of members who are, say, 18 years or younger, and they are all welcome at SGL:) I think quite a few of our members let their children read posts too[i think it was TJ that mentioned that earlier]. Astronomy is for everyone: in my view, it isn't ageist at all - SGL aims to reflect that.

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So is it OK to simply use @#&*&*!! if the ##@&!~$* clouds are preventing me from seeing Mars again? :)

Sorry, couldn't resist

Seeing as this is such a large forum and it sometimes takes a little while for things to filter down to us.

Give us a chance to get round to it.


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Actually, I personally see the "@*&$" as acceptable, you se it very often in comics, and I read it as a "frustration" emotion.

Transposing * or # for letters in obvious swear words is different thing, as you are a) obviously swearing and :) obviously bypassing the filters

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Reminds me of what my 10yr old daughter said to me yesterday.

She told me that a girl in her class had called her gay. I said to her not to worry about it too much as I doubt she knows what the word really means. My daughter said that she knows what it means, I asked how she knew and she said that she knows because she watches Eastenders. I almost wet myself.

I suppose you had to be there.

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