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Sorry I'm a bit of a wimp

cosmic dave

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Hmm, well I did survive 3 days on an Alpine mountain at -35C with winds gusting to 100 knots - small exposed ledge, wasn't even able to stamp around & hot drinks were out of the question. Not comfortable but no permanent damage. And able to self-extricate when the storm eased off.

Must have been the cape and the underpants over the trousers that got you through

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Hmm, well I did survive 3 days on an Alpine mountain at -35C with winds gusting to 100 knots - small exposed ledge, wasn't even able to stamp around & hot drinks were out of the question. Not comfortable but no permanent damage. And able to self-extricate when the storm eased off.

This is getting like Python's "4 Yorkshiremen" sketch :)

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I'd second that...I know we're all desperate for some clear nights after so many awful ones, but the recent low temperatures mean it is easy to catch a chill on the chest..I know, it just happened to me, after I went outside two nights running in minus 7.

Two other points: first, from my fishing trips in winter I know it is very helpful to stand on a piece of timber when in cold weather outside..even a piece half an inch thick, and say 2 foot square, will help insulate your feet quite well, although of course you need to make sure you have plenty of layers, socks, gloves etc.

Second, ask yourself honestly, is the seeing available at the moment making it worth going out?? I was trying some star tests with new Baader Ortho EPs and also looked at Mars (5" Russian refractor), and I wished I hadn't bothered! Shimmering, fuzzy images. I stuck it out for an hour and 20 minutes or so both nights and retreated into the house with a hot water bottie for my feet!

So, DON'T feel guilty about staying indoors with SGL for company! The cold spell WILL end eventually, and we can go back to normal service - at which point the clouds will resume their normal blanket effect over the UK!!:)

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ask yourself honestly, is the seeing available at the moment making it worth going out??

You won't know unless you try it. I've had several nights this month when it's been not too bad at all, a bit wobbly but without the horrible "jet stream smearing" that often afflicts my site (and most others in temperate latitudes).

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