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William Optics FLT152 anybody?

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I am on the hunt for a premium large refractor for imaging and the WO152 seems conspicuous by its absence. Anybody got one, seen one, read a review of one? The fact that the 132 has twice been reviewed without a ringing endorsement makes me nervous about their larger scopes. They make so many that some are likely to be good and some not. The small ones can be be great, I know.

I do have a hope of buying a Tec 140 but if it doesn't happen I need to see what else is around and I have no hope of affording a six inch Tak.


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I've not seen one advertised or reviewed anywhere since their launch was announced (2 scopes in that class as I recall) - a mythical beast perhaps ?.

It's interesting what you say about the reviews of the 132's - there seems to be a slight but perceptable "cooling" towards WO scopes generally across the forums I browse I feel - though personally I've only owned a Megrez 90 which was very nice.

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Hi Olly, I can only say that the optics on my 132 are super, but maybe I've just got lucky. The stock focuser is fine fir visual but I've noticed a bit of slippage when loaded up with a heavy dslr. A lighter ccd would probably be okay.

I will when funds permit upgrade to a feathertouch with electronic focusing and then feel I'll have a keeper as far as large fracs go. I doubt I'll be able to afford a 5" tak, ap or tec.

I personally feel the quality of finish on these larger wo scopes is up there with the best albeit for a few focuser niggles. If I had the choice again I would still go with the wo despite what others have said, but then what do I know?

As for the business end....I can clearly achieve good diff rings either side of focus and have never seen any false colour or CA. I've only had it for nine months though so it's still being put through it's paces.

I'm puzzled why so many people rip into wo scopes and feel that for many the price for the real premium scopes is just not a realistic option. I think wo offer a good comp.

I've looked through a 6" AP and although it wasn't a great subject (low Jupiter) I felt that my scope held it's own with only a small dip in brightness between the two.

All I can suggest is that you try one out at a star party. Maybe ask one of the attending vendors to take one to kielder or kelling. I'm sure they'd oblige as they are after the sale and it's good customer service when parting with that about of cash. Otherwise pay a premium and get a bench test certified one from Germany.

I know this prob doesn't help your choice. Oh and you may be able to get a 152 or 158 pre fitted with a feathertouch. Ask your vendor to make enquiries.

Good luck.


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I saw a 152 at The Widescreen Centre in London when they first came on sale , quite an impressive scope and it looked huge mounted on an EQ6 , haven't been there for a while so it may still be there if you can get down there for a look.

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Thanks Mike. I live in France so Keilder would be a bit of a trek but I take your point. I wouldn't want to rip into WO but their adspeak is very forthright and tends to exaggerate. You might say all manufactureres do this but I'm not sure. Here's what Tec say about their larger scope over the 140; 'APO160ED – the APO160ED is next step in size after APO140, keep in mind it is small step in resolution, but huge in money spending.' Not exactly commercially minded, unlike WO!! (I mean what is all this Ferrari rubbish? Marketing claptrap.)

I think a 'slight cooling' is what there is, possibly because their scopes do get so close to being premium without getting all the way, and because they are so attractively presented. They remain excellent value if uneven across the range.

Good that your 132 is a winner. A good example of the TMB Signature Series would be on my list but a bad one would not and there is no way to tell in advance. If Thomas Back were in charge it would be otherwise but alas, of course, he is not.

Vlebo, thanks. I may be at Astrofest in Feb so could try to see them.


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I agree totally about the marketing nonsense and the silly ferrari badged stuff... But I'm told that this sells to our american cousins. They even brought out a 'patriot' range of limited edition scopes for each state I believe. I guess some folk would buy anything!

I reckon the global market will force them to consolidate the range and hopefully we'll see them focus on offering more consistant quality at that price point.

Interesting that they have expanded the feathertouch offering to the 152 now. I noticed that Ian King is offering it for £5900. More than twice what I paid for my 132 with mount! But I'm told the FT is well worth the price, especially if it comes as a package.

Have fun choosing and be happy in the knowledge that I'm hugely jealous of your skies and your potential purchase!

Clear skies my friend


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