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How to organize your image gallery?


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Always a tough one. Do you go for constellations, galaxies and clusters, nebulae...etc. In the end i have decided to go for annual favourites, so at the end of each year I will put my favourites in their own gallery with no attempt at further logic. Maybe over time the galleries will trace a feeble improvement followed by a precipitous decline into bewildered incomptence...

Anyway, for what it's worth here's the '2009 Retrospective' for anyone who is at work and needs something, anything, to while away a few seconds. My thanks to all those helpful members whose advice is so invaluable. The slight improvement in M51, for instance, is down to MartnB telling me to get off the blue pedal! A few images have been reprocessed since original posting.


Any other ideas for site organization out there?


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A Happy, and even more successful 2010 to you Olly.:hello2:

I like the way you've done it, ie your own favourites, and they are bound to be everyones favourites. Plus, mixing up the different object types makes it more attractive, for want of a better word.

I'm sure I speak for the vast majority on SGL, if not everyone, when I say thanks, for the exceptional work you, and many other imagers on this forum have presented to us throughout 2009. The persistent quality and beauty of the images are a delight to the senses.


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That is a good question. I was wondering the same recently.

I've only just started imaging and I wanted something like my own astro blog with image galleries. I've started a bit here:

yesyes Astro Blog

But I'm not really happy with it.

I was thinking I'd like to arrange it by date on a calendar to have kind of a observing and viewing log. Not all entries would have images attached (when I'm only observing for instance). It would be nice if you could also tag the galleries with things like planets, Moon, DSOs, equipment and maybe even favourites. That should make it possible to, say, only show DSO galleries.

I'd also like to have a page with my observing / imaging list showing what object I imaged or observed when and provide a link to the Gallery if there is one.

I've not looked around much but I haven't seen any website software that would be able to do that.

Any PHP coders out there who'd love that challenge? :hello2:

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A stunning collection of images Olly, congrats.:):headbang::)

As to how to organize.. I have Lunar planetary and DSO and then just stick the images up in the order I take them.

That reminds me I haven't updated my sit for ages.:hello2:


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More keywords may help people that do searches.

Lightroom 2 has good facilities for adding meta data, there are probably other packages too.

Coppermine is good if you want to add a photo album to your website.

PS Forgot to say, Lightroom has some good ways for labeling pictures good, poor etc

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