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IC443/444 - Reprocessed (final version)


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I have been having another look at the image of this subject that I posted earlier and using the same data I completely reprocessed it to bring out the nebula a bit more without lightening the background and using selective colour adjustments have increased the contrast between the colours in the nebulous cloud particularly in IC444 (the cloud to the left of the image). I prefer this version as it is less predominantly green than the original version. The downside is that there is some mottling evident in the sky background but I can live with that until I get more data on this. The different stages of how this image has developed for me since I took the original Ha shot can be seen on the Nebulae 2 page of my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page

Hope you like it and thanks for looking. I am working tonight so enjoy the celebrations

Best wishes and clear skies for the new year



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