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Adobe CS2


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Sorry if this is the wrong section :hello2:

I have now got a pc which is fast / big enough :) to actually put Photoshop onto but it runs on Windows 7. I have found conflicting reports which say that Windows 7 is not compatible with Photoshop CS2.

Can anyone confirm whether the two are compatible? Or would it be better to go for PS Elements 8 ~ which would be OK, but less suitable by all accounts?

Thank you,

Liz :)

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Hi Liz,

If you already have a copy of CS2 just give it a go. As to compatability, Adobe appear to be washing their hands of it saying that It's not their fault and they are only going to work with CS4. There are people even complaining about CS4 ! Some problems are due to the video card drivers so updates are a must it seems.

Sorry I can't help more as I don't have W7 and am not likely to anytime soon.


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It should work.

As far as Adobe goes, it is standard policy for software vendors not to support older versions of thier products on OS's that didn't even exist when thier product was launched.

IE Windows 7 was only on the drawing board when CS2 was launched and since then Adobe and moved 2 versions on. No way would they give you support for a product they didn't know about at the time.

That saying, there should be no reason why it doesn't work. You may get some warning messages, but give it a go.

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No, no warning messages, no crashes, no unsaved work. Works just tickety boo!!!

I am in the process of loading and testing my astro software in Win7, and will post up results as I get each package done....

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I am in the process of loading and testing my astro software in Win7, and will post up results as I get each package done....

FocusMax can be tricky but can be persuaded to work. Larry Weber has produced a little batch file that may be needed. My big problem was my Temma driver. In the end I couldn't overcome that one and am now using an XP machine. Otherwise everything runs fine on Windows7

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