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M33 - a rebuild.


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How's yer hangovers then, team?

Here's an M33 made up of one I posted a while back (LRGB in the mono Atik 4000) plus about five hours from the OSC on an indifferent night. However the extra data reduced noise, particularly colour noise, and allowed me to process a little harder. Tak FSQ85, so a ittle short of focal length but since Santa forgot my Tak 152 (can you believe it??) it's the best I can do for now. Total exposure time about ten hours. No specific Ha layer.



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Indeed you can, Ron, and it was. I made no attempt in the second image, which was taken with a guest, to align it with the first. The short focal length just allowed Registar to find enough common ground. Wonderful programme.

Galaxies just need time. The inter-arm areas are faint and hugely prone to noise.

BTW the image looks black clipped to me but the histogram seems to say it isn't. I thnk I'm failing to grasp something here. Advice welcome.


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Cheers Kevin. The funny thing is, the first image does show a clipped histogram and also seems more magenta to me than the second. Drives you nuts this game! Anyway M33 has all but gone now so I will have to leave the blessed thing alone...


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Beautiful Olly. I reckon if you aren't in 5 minds when processing M33 you just aren't trying hard enough. I like the way you've made the background outer star glow look nice and natural. It's difficult to work out what should and shouldn't be there.

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