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Jupiter - 26th December 2009


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Probably the last look at Jupiter of the year.

Observed at 4:30UT with my (new to me) 5" refractor at x238 and a celestron/Baader binoviewer.

Could easily make out the Red spot, the North and south caps and two equatorial bands - there was a little detail in both bands but I was rushing comparing monoview to binoview - the binoview showed much more contrast/detail than mono.

Sadly the clouds rolled ai at 5:00UT and it started to snow.

Nice first view with the new refractor though :hello2:

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Hi Dweller 25,

Would be interested to know more about your 5" refractor...brand, focal length, achro/apo etc? And maybe some pictures?:hello2:

Sounds like a good 'un when you could see so much when the planet was so poorly placed now.

clear skies


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Hello Dave,

You would not sell me MY Tal 125R back :) :)

So I took my bat and ball home and bought a Takahashi FS-128 :hello2:

I observed whilst it was still light and used binoviewers which made a big difference to the contrast allowing me to see the GRS.

Best regards and clear skies.

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Nice report :hello2:

I'd like to try some bino viewers in my 5" achro refractor, the contrast is pretty good in mono mode so, from your report, I figure a bino would be rather good :)

How much inward focusser travel do you need ?.


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I bought a cheap pair of binoviewers a few months ago, and I've found them to be really excellent for planetary and Lunar viewing. Using both eyes, really brings the detail out and makes for much more relaxed viewing, which makes a differenece when doing high magnification planetary observing.

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Oh man!..that was SO unfair of me:confused:...tell you what, as it's the season of goodwill etc, I'll swap you your Tak for your old 125R..:)..no, really, I AM prepared to do this for you..:)

Nah, there's only 3mm difference - it's not worth it :hello2:

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