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Encouragement to try imaging

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I had wanted to try imaging since I started to think about getting back into astronomy, but was worried that it all seemed complicated.

I have just posted my first images to the deep sky imaging section. I used a piggy-back mounted digital SLR on a Nexstar 6SE, and got identifiable images very first try.

The quality is poor, but it is clear what they are. I was deligheted and my family were amazed.

To all those who have been put off by the apparent complexity - give it a go. Getting your first image is really exciting.


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I see we're on the same path lol! Try upping your ISO on the camera to 800 or even 1600. Becuase youre doing short subs, itll let more light/detail into the pics without too much noise interfering with the shot. I see youve gone for M45 and Neb in Orion, good choices very rewarding to begin with, I like the framing on your Pleiades shot. Also, try turning Star detection threshold down to 10% in DSS that should also help you obtain some more details in your shots. Well done mate, get ready to eat beans on toast as you buy new gear when the Imaging Bug bites... Just my tuppence worth :)

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