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Eyepieces for a NexStar 6SE

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Hullo all,

I've been doing some research for a while now on a first telescope, and after much deliberation I've decided to go for a NexStar 6SE.

The next dilemma I have is which eyepieces to consider as a first addition to the scope.

I've seen the sets from Celestron and Revelation which give a good selection of eyepieces, barlow and filters, but I don't know if they will be of sufficient quality to last, or whether I'd find them limiting within 6 - 12 months. Alternatively, is it better to spend the same money on one or two higher quality pieces. I've also considered the Hyperion 8-24mm Zoom as a flexible alternative.

Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to use any of them, so I'd very much appreciate any views / advice.

Cheers, Dug

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At f10 your SE6 will be OK with EP's that faster (less than f6) scopes would have problems with.

The EP sets should be fine and give you filters as well.

I have a Seben 8-24 which is quite good and the up market zooms were reviewed in Sky at Night in the last couple of months. That review is worth reading.

A word of warning. It doesnt matter what you buy in the EP line you will always want the best and wont be able to afford them LOL

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I think you got 2 options:

1) buy a set so you can experiment.

2) buy better quality specific EPs.

Since the 6SE is a slow scope (high focal ratio f/10) the sets should perform well and let you experiment. It also brings that nice case and all the filters so it's probably the best option.

If you go for option 2 you should add a decent barlow to it to double any EP and get the most out of it. Don't be cheap on the barlow, I was and mine is useless!

So with the 25mm you'll have 60x and 120x when barlowed.

You should add a lower mag EP for DSOs, such like a 38mm EP to give 40x and

80x when barlowed. On a slow scope like yours I would recommend this one that haves a good quality/price ratio (I own 3 of them, it's the same as the Orion Q70's with a deferent brand printed on).

Then a 10,5mm planetary EP for 143x and 285x when barllowed. University Optics make the best (cheap) planetary EPs around. They have a 10,5mm. The field of view on this EPs is small, but the contrast and detail make them one of the best on planets/moon. link is here. It's The University Super Abbe Orthoscopic model.

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Don't ruh into buying anything yet!

Get the scope first, get used to it and get used to the EPs that come with it before you do anything else.

I wouldn't bother too much with spending hundreds on a EP. You can pick up some real bargins here and on Astro Buy and Sell, without having to fork out a fortune. 2nd had is always the way to go with EPs.

Zoom EPs are handy to have, but they are not as good as single size EPs used with a Barlow.

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Thanks all.... definitely some good advice there.

I think I'll get used to the scope first and have a play with the EP it comes with before I rush out and buy anything else.

Famous last words....!

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