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Quick Report 15/7/06


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Well took my telescope to my mothers fella's house tonight, as we were having a BBQ to celebrate my 24th birthday..wow.

Dave's garden blocks out all the streetlights because its surrounded by houses..it was amazing, I could clearly see the milky way..

anyway after the BBQ was over and people went home, I got the scope out..

M57 really stands out like a sore thumb with dark skies, even in the 26mm EP.

M27 This is turning into another ring fiasco, I just can't blumming find the thing. I found the coat hanger, The arrow (for its constellation name) and everything..you think I can find it? can I hell! I was using the 26mm EP to scan the sky. I thought it was bigger and brighter than M57..maybe I'm wrong.

Next was my first ever viewing of M31 and my first galaxy. I found it in the 26mm and then used the 6.5mm for the power. I couldn't see the lanes or the satellite galaxys..thats was dissapointing..though I was looking towards the town so LP could have been an issue.

I then had a look at the double cluster and M13, but the beer was kicking in so I called it a night..

All in all a good night, M31 does seem to be huge!!


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