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AutoGuiders LVI in particular

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Hi all

I'm currently considering my options for my imaging set up and i'm getting stuck at the autoguider rig.

So far I see my options as being eith

the LPI, Neximage on the webcam side of things

and the Orion SS on the more technical (capable?) end.

All of these as far as I understand I would need a laptop to control/monitor.. So if I go for these options I would need to purchase said laptop.

I spoke to my local supplier, who was very keen on me considering the LVI autoguider. I've done a bit of reading and it would seem that this is a self contained autoguider and does not require a laptop to assist with.

I was wondering what people's experience with this is. Is it really worth it's hefty £530 price tag? Is it really self sufficient without needing a laptop?

I realise a laptop will be handy/essential if I want to use EQpro, though Im still considering a long USB lead, as my PC is not far from my garden.

After spending so much time on considering my scope/mount set up, I dont want to get it wrong with my autoguiding, so any help/advice would be much appreciated.



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There was a review of the LVI in S@N magazine (by Steve?) and they pointed out that you can't see the focus the guide camera without a laptop. LVI give you a parfocal eyepice instead, which doesn't sound a terribly good solution. I'd rather be able to see what I'm trying to guide in case I need to sort out any issues.

I think the general drift of the article was you would be better off with a laptop or netbook.

It's a shame that sombody's gone to the bother of developing what appears to be quite a good product but it will always struggle because of the costs development/tooling etc are so high for a (low volume) astro specific item that it is outpriced by a mass produced product. If you could sell a million of them I bet you could knock them out at 20 or 30 quid!

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Thanks for advice guys!

I think i'll get the netbook and QHY type set up and then I can spend the remaining £200 that i'd save from not buying the LVI on my wife to appease her for me spending all this money on imaging. Bish bash Bosh!

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  • 1 month later...

Im starting to think the standalone guider is a good option.

My netbook is back at Acer again due to BIOS problems, the little blighter is so unreliable, My old lappy has just decided it didnt want to play just when I had everything aligned and guiding. I am officially now sick of pcs in the field, my experience is that they cant be relied upon so a standalsone guider is teh way to go for me I reckon


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