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Auto Guideing

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Iam thinking about getting into the world of Auto guideing at some point in the future and was wondering how well does it do it's job say with a EQ6 Skyscan? or other mounts camera setups..

I take it you have two cameras one for imaging and one to guide with the guide camera plugged into laptop and the mount works out the tracking?

Thanks for any info on the subject.

James :D

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Hi James

When I was guiding the Skyscan it was a case of a guidescope with SC1 on top of the main scope. Guidecam to the laptop (usb and parallel), shoestring guide port in the parallel port with the SC1 LX control in and guide signals out to the guide port on the Skyscan panel. Simple as that.

I also sometimes plugged the Skyscan box into the laptpo via the serial port to allow the mount to be driven around from Starry Night Pro, but this is sometimes a pain as you have to tell the hand control to switch to RS232 mode. It does mean though that you then have a sync option.


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Cheers Guys.

Gaz i'll join that group mate forgot about yahoo groups..


Sounds like a pretty simple setup and having the Synch option from your tip is a bonus too. A guide scope Mmmmmm ED80 on top of the 10" sounds perfect :D


James :D

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Or a normal webcam with a low f/ ratio camera lens as a guidescope?

Or use the DSLR for imaging and the SC3 for guiding?

Questions, questions.

Still working out the best way to fasten the EQ6 head to the dirt low enough down to work this "just bigger than small" Newt. thing that I made.

Captain Chaos

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Or a normal webcam with a low f/ ratio camera lens as a guidescope?

Only for very bright guidestars...

Or use the DSLR for imaging and the SC3 for guiding?

That would work - would also let you image at lower ISO setting too for less noise.

Questions, questions.

Still working out the best way to fasten the EQ6 head to the dirt low enough down to work this "just bigger than small" Newt. thing that I made.

Ah well - you could dig some holes for the legs and put a brick in the bottom... :D


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PE? Doesn't come into it actually as PEC should be turned off. Maximum guiding/exposure time for the main imaging camera is only limited by well size and saturation. The guide interval should be as short as possible - so always use the brightest star in the FOV! This is why guide mounts are adjustable - to give you more chance of finding a bright star so you can get this guide interval down.


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