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Took the plunge - Nexstar 6SE

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Thanks to all of you who gave me good advice when I was trying to decide how tp restart an interest in astronomy. I sort of listened to you all, and once I had listened I knew how I wanted to start. So with apologies to all those who advised a different system, I went ahead and ordered a Nexstar 6 SE.

A large box arrived today (thanks to FLO for good advice and prompt service - only ordered late on Friday). During the day I set it up to check motors etc working, and aligned the red-dot finder on a distant hill-top building. As darkness fell it wasn't looking too good, as there were lots of fast moving clouds and a strong wind, but I was desperate to give it a try.

Sky-Align setup was very quick, although I had to change my mind a couple of times as a 'bright star' was covered by cloud, but it only took a few minutes. Jupiter was very obvious, so that was my first target. Clear disk and then as I continued to look, one then two distinct bands. Three moons easily visible, but I could not see the fourth. Then I noticed a bright dot right at the edge of the disk that merged and vanished. This was about 5:30 - could it have been Europa transiting across Jupiter? Tried for Neptune, but really could not convince myself I had seen anything.

Then moved to M31 where I could see a clear bright smudge across most of the field. found M110 easily, and maybe M32, but I am less sure on that.

By now clouds were moving quickly across all the sky leaving clear patches, so I had to dot around a bit. Looked deep into the Pleiades and the double cluster, Almach and Albeiro, think I saw the Dumbell nebula, but I would want to go back another night and be sure. Kept going back to Jupiter everytime it showed through the clouds because it was so much fun.

The GO-TO put each object in the field of view every time, and held them there for as long as I looked (not long in this case - too excited). One unexpected benefit of the GO-TO was that I could aim at an object covered by cloud and wait for a gap to appear, and when the gap came, there was the target.

So a very pleasant two hours, and when everything is so new, you don't want for exciting finds.

I am very satisfied with my purchase and look forward to many more happy hours of exploration.


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Congratz on the new scope. It's always a great feeling to get something new and try it!

I don't think you need to apologies to anyone about your choice. Each persons advice depended on their personal tastes, you did right deciding by yours. As long the scope functions and capabilities please you, then it was the right choice for you. :rolleyes:

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Well done - sounds like you got the alignment nailed first time and had a very successful first evening out with it. I loved my 6SE and had many happy hours with it. If you get in to photography you'll find the precise goto useful.

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