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Clear out tonight?


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Looked really promising down Bristol way tonight - until it started getting dark. Set up for a bit of imaging but only got about 30 mins of data. The first 15 mins it was still fairly light 10.45. :sunny: 2nd 15 mins I was getting light cloud!!! :)



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Here's what I got tonight in that half hour, so very pleased indeed.

3 minute subs through WO 80mm at about F4,(FR in place), and Mx7c.

Hope you guys have had a good night too.

Will try and do a better process tomorrow



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Nice pic Anthony!

I wasn't going to bother as it was raining very lightly up to half past eleven. At midnight I stuck my head outside and was pleasantly surprised to find black bits with white dots.

Grabbed the DSLR and started lugging stuff about, EQ6, counterweights, 12" Newtonian Skelescope and various wiry things.

First test was "does the finder bracket work?" - yes it does. Great result.

Next test was "can I get the DSLR to focus?" - yes.

Final test was "can I reach to work the SLR when it's mounted?" - can I heck as like.

Result was a dozen or so frames of M13 nicely framed and un-nicely out of focus.

Can't win 'em all can you?

Captain Chaos

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