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My first Jupiter! 9/7/06


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I have been out for a little while having a look as it's a lovely clear night. Sadly I have abit of a stomch upset and are generally feeling unwell.

Not all bad though, I took about 20 pics at Jupiter, and this is the best of the lot!


I know it's Rubbish compared to whats posted here, but i'm really pleased, it's the first Jupiter I have got on a photo, and if you look carfully you can see the bands!!

Taken Afocal, 10mm EP though 114mm reflector..

Ive given up for tonight since I'm feeling quite unwell, but next week when the scope arrives, Uranus might be my next targert (to see at least!)


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Nice one Kain ya first Jupiter pic will never be ya best :) but it's a great effort that and the shape of the planet can be made out and the colour isnt bad either.

Hope ya feeling better soon.


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