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When 16" Lightbridges and Audi TT's collide


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Oh, I reckon I could get a Tent in there too :icon_eek:

Well, after I remove the non essentials. This was me transporting all my gear up to a rented house now that our house renovations are about to start. So its beasically everything. If I was observing the big EP and Accesories case wouldn't go, the Laptop stand wouldn't go (now that I'll soon have planetarium goto control from an iPhone, a few bits would go in the passenger seat footwell if I didn't have a passenger.

DOC gave me the measurements of his tent packed in its bag and I reckon I would have no problem getting that in.

However, I still wouldn't be a real astronomer because there would still be no room for a couple of crates of Tinnies :);)

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As a fellow iPhone owner I'd be interested to hear about this goto planetarium.

Carina Software's iPhone planetarium app SkyVoyager can currently control a scope with the aid of their desktop version voyager on a laptop. ie the iPhone communicates with Voyager on the laptop via wifi and Voyager forwards on the slew or goto commands to the mount via the usb-serial cable link. Now to me thats seems like a waste of time unless you have an F5 25" Dob :) Yeah, great for controlling a 25" servocat equipped dob from the top of a ladder without having to climb down to use the laptop but I don't see the point otherwise.

However! Carina have the first batch of device called the Sky-Fi in production. This is a wifi to serial interface box that runs on a few Double A's. ie. its a little box about the same size as an iPhone. Your iPhone talks to it via wifi and it converts that to serial. In your case, this little box would be velcro'd to a leg on your tripod with a serial cable plugged into your mount from it. You can control the mount from the iphone without needing a laptop or Voyager.

Keith observing....

Is that a flying pig..:icon_eek:

It's amazing how small the LB gets if you break it down well. Good show ;)

When I read that earlier tonight I said to myself, "I'll show him!!"

CHecked out the forcast and it was only clear till about 11pm with torrential rain on the way from the north atlantic.

Decided not to risk it. Just heading to bed a few minutes ago at 3am and....

...Its still crystal clear out there!!

Foiled again!! :)

One of these days you'll see a post from me with catalogue numbers in different fonts and text colours.....One of these days.....


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Carina Software's iPhone planetarium app SkyVoyager can currently control a scope with the aid of their desktop version voyager on a laptop. ie the iPhone communicates with Voyager on the laptop via wifi and Voyager forwards on the slew or goto commands to the mount via the usb-serial cable link. Now to me thats seems like a waste of time unless you have an F5 25" Dob :icon_eek: Yeah, great for controlling a 25" servocat equipped dob from the top of a ladder without having to climb down to use the laptop but I don't see the point otherwise.

However! Carina have the first batch of device called the Sky-Fi in production. This is a wifi to serial interface box that runs on a few Double A's. ie. its a little box about the same size as an iPhone. Your iPhone talks to it via wifi and it converts that to serial. In your case, this little box would be velcro'd to a leg on your tripod with a serial cable plugged into your mount from it. You can control the mount from the iphone without needing a laptop or Voyager.

thanks for a reply, and a very "Tomorrow's World" answer too. It'll be interesting to watch the development and implementation of the Sky-Fi and see if it really is effective in eliminating the need for laptops and other devices to remotely control the scopes.

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  • 1 month later...
Doesn't seem you have any room left for the hairdressing equipment that comes with that model of car
Heh heh.... I have a different solution, buy a convertible, put the top down & you can use it as a skip:evil4:
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