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First evening with DSLR

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Hi all,

Today I finally took the plunge and bought my first DSLR (for both day to day use and also for some astrophotography).

I thought i'd just go out into the garden this evening and have a play with the settings and after some very wobbly and rather scary pictures I finally managed to work out the exposure time and got this rather nice pic of my house.. and for the observant, M45.

This has now given me an absolute hunger.....Goodbye bank account!!!


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My apologies, i've just realised this isnt the imaging forum!

Any reason why I can't find my edit post button? It's not where it should be!!!

Feel free to move the thread.

Again my apologies.

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what dslr have you got vegas ? i`m itching to get my hands on a canon 1000d ! .......... also laptop, better eyepieces, focal reducer, 9.25 sct, refractor, where does it stop ! is there a point that you reach when you think you have everthing you need, or does the spending go on forever ?

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what dslr have you got vegas ? i`m itching to get my hands on a canon 1000d ! .......... also laptop, better eyepieces, focal reducer, 9.25 sct, refractor, where does it stop ! is there a point that you reach when you think you have everthing you need, or does the spending go on forever ?

I settled for the canon 450d in the end though nearly got the 1000d as the difference is negiable it seems, I only opted for the 450d as I had Argos vouchers to use!

The list for equipment seems endless. I'm going to see how my newt and mount cope, but I can see a new mount in the future.

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This has now given me an absolute hunger.....Goodbye bank account!!!

Heehee... yeah! Welcome to the world of endless expenditure! :( I just blasted almost 5 grand on mount, scope(s) camera(s), eyepieces etc, (getting into some considerable hock in the process ;)), but it was either that or save like a lunatic for a year or more, potentially missing almost two winter observing/AP seasons as a result.

Now I just have to up-sticks to a country with weather systems that actually cater for observing. :p

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I know my credit card is aching in my wallet!!

I tried to sell the wife, but all I got offered was magic beans......... (if she ever reads this, I'm joking dear and love you very much)

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