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Goto on a Celestron 8SE

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If I was to upgrade my original mount to a EQ mount, would I have to buy a complete GOTO system, or can I use my Goto controller/computer on my 8SE on say a new EQ6 mount that will take goto.



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You might be able to use the handset with a Celestron GEM but obviously you'd have to have the drive motors on the mount.

If you bought a differently branded mount you'd certainly have to use a new handset ... in any case though you can buy replacement handsets I've never seen a GOTO mount sold without one. (I'm sure someone's going to chip in & contradict me at this point!)

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It was you see EQ6/EQ5 mounts sold, that can be upgraded to full goto, which adds about £250 to the price of the mount. I assume that the mounts have the motors, but not computer for the goto bit.


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