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When you say a 'bark' does it sound like a 'crunchy' sound - like someone changing gears in a car without a clutch ?

If it does it may be the worm gear needs a bit of tuning.

It is indeed like the very sound of someone learning to change gears for the first time!

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Not being familiar with the noise these things make, my own new NEQ6 seems to make a bit of a racket while starting/slewing/stopping. I'll make a video of it tonight when I get home. It just sounds a bit too "clattery" "grindy" for my liking.

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Every EQ6 I've ever heard has made the "crunching" sound at the beginning and end of fast slews. Apparently it's a normal stepper motor sound, and not a case of anything actually grinding. According to some posts it can be reduced via a mount tune up, but I suspect there may be some placebo effect occurring there.

The faint UFO-like "whee-whee" sound heard while the mount is tracking is also normal. It's hard to detect during the day but is quite noticable in a remote observing spot at night. I've never heard anybody complain about it though. If anything it may help users avoid walking into their mounts in the darkness!

One other noise is a faint whine from the hand controller (or the PCB in the mount, I'm unsure). I was with a friend when he upgraded the HC's firmware and he immediately claimed the sound had become louder as a result of the change (or possibly just a slightly different pitch which he was more sensitive to.)

When you compare the EQ6 with most other mounts around, even those that are far more expensive, it's very quiet. At a star party I attended, a Losmandy G-11 owner once commented that he wished his mount was as quiet as a nearby observer's EQ6.

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