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Clear outside?


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Just been out with the newly aquired Binos 15x70 observing the Moon awsome sight tonight and very impressed with the Binos :shock:, plan on observing some Messiers later :)

Anyone esle got some luck with there skies?


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Its pretty clear here (6/10 ish) but I've got Chester races (and the England game on an outside big screen) early tomorrow, I darn't tempt myself and end up going to bed at 4am!!

I'm glad you like the binos mate!! :) You can bag most of the Messiers with them from my location.

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Chester Races Gaz :shock: oh my brings back memories hehe not been for err 15 yrs used to go with my dad, good luck on the three legged horse! :)

You could setup and peek at Jupes before it go's hehe


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You could setup and peek at Jupes before it go's hehe


You always wait for the next thing to come into view though eh? 1am.."I'll just see M57"....01:30...."the Dumbell will be here soon"..............4am ...."ah, the Sun!!!" :)

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Clear here last night. Got first light with the 80ED too. Had a good look at Jupiter early on, which looked very nice at 200x. The moon was breathtaking. Used the GOTO to zoom around the deepsky sights. Finally finished by hooking up the 10D and trying out the 80ED for imaging. Complete success, dead chuffed with the scope.

Finished observing around 2.30am. Feeling the effects now mind. And it's cleat tonight apparently. Boy am i going to feel it tomorrow! I'll be asleep on the beach tomorrow :sunny:

The bins sound the business James.....were those the ones on Astro Buy'n'sell this week?

Good luck everyone for tonight!


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[me=Kain]curses the clouds![/me]

:shock: :shock:

I must have upset them at somepoint yesterday, I'm being much kinder to them today I's I'm taking the scope to Wenlock Edge..nice dark spot..though it is hunted ..ooOOoo


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