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Is it clear anywhere yet ?

cosmic dave

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Bournemouth ... 3.45 alarm ... put on slippers, trundle downstairs, look outside front door ... Orion and its retinue hanging crystal clear in the sky ... get dressed ... got this far yesterday when it was fully clouded by the time I was taking the tripod outside, but it was still clear this morning ... it let me get half way through alignment, then I look away from Sirius and find there is no longer another star visible ... and Sirius goes a few seconds later .... grrr!

Still I did get the chance to try my high-tech masking tape solution to the power problem on the scope and it works a dream ... does this adaption make the cloudy skies my fault [again!]?

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Clear now in Stockport ;)

For how long I don't know.....camera's rolling anyhow, need more subs on M31.

I managed 23 x 5 minute subs before it clouded over....saved me doing a pier flip in any case :)

My last chance this week as its my nightshift this week, weather is looking carp for the rest of the week so I won't miss much.

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Had clear skies from 7pm until I packed up about 2:30am this morning. The seeing was awful Jupiter looked like a plate of jelly and I had very nice twinkely stars ;). Still got started on the learning curve with the new scopes and cameras :)


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It was crystal clear here in London. Of course the LP is dreck but I did glimpse the Milky Way and M31 ;), unusual here:(.

Only had my old 60mm 'fract and no diagonal, so it was mainly eyeball and binos. Dis look at Jupiter, a fair bit of boiling, but N&S eq belts visible at x78.

Ha! to my amazement I saw Formalhaut! I thought the trees due south were too high, but there was a notch next to the run of houses (The terrace runs N/S), and there it was! well chuffed!

So a happy bunny this morning, just got to wait for my Megrez 90 / HEQ5


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I'm in South Essex. It is extremely rare to see either the milkyway or M31 here - and last night was no different!

I managed to get out for a few hours last night - having the scope set up with a tarp over it does make life much easier.

I was hoping for a 5hr+ run but actually only managed 2 hours and only 90minutes of that was capturing data!

Never mind, if it was easy everyone would be doing it...


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I had an extremely rare bout of insomnia last night, so I was up until 3:30am, kept looking outside, wall to wall cloud.

Finally fall asleep, wake up a few hours later to a clear sky with the sun rising. ;) Must have cleared up shortly after I lost consciousnes...Murphy's law I call it.......:)

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