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Clear weekend

cosmic dave

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Steve from FLO just belled my to say my Meg 90 / HEQ5 has been despached and will be arriving on Monday ;).

So appologies to all in the London area if I've put the kaibosh on clear skies next week :).

Thought it would be another few days but....yipeee


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Well, I have taken delivery of a cg5 mount with it's nice 2" legs lovely :), just transferred over the eq5 goto electronics over to it, also I have taken delivery of a moonlite focuser for my newt, their not cheap are they ! I hope it stays clear for the weekend, more unguided galore. ;)

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Just in too. Pretty cold out and scope covered in dew. I`m becoming a dab hand with the hair drier so Nicky Clarke or whatever you call him better watch out. :)

Orion looked great, absolutely massive. Mars was quite small and a little low in the sky for good views but the "usual suspects" all benefited from a moonless, very dark sky. Called it a day as shattered, cold and need to be up early.

Maybe price a few neb filters tomorrow.;)

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I only managed to get an hour in - the sky was dark but there was a haze over everything that made it really hard to see well. I came in for a bit and when I went back out it had clouded over!

Hoping for some better viewing in the next few days......


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