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Is it worth it.

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I have a little spare cash, just wondering if it's worth putting the extra £100 and have the Revelation 10 Dobsonian rarther than the 8?

The 8 F/6

All metal tube with 1/12th wave BK7 mirrors, 12v fan, tension adjustment bearings, all metal crayford 2" focuser with 1.25" adaptor, high quality roller bearing, 8x50 quality finderscope, 26mm 2" wide angle eyepiece and solid wood rocker box, cooling fan and battery box with lead

The 10 F/5

All metal tube with 12v fan, tension adjustment bearings, 1/12th wave BK7 mirrors, high quality roller bearing, all metal crayford 2" focuser with 1.25" adaptor, 8x50 quality finderscope, 26mm 2" wide angle eyepiece and solid wood rocker box, cooling fan and battery box with lead.

What do you think?


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I dont believe either scope has 1/12th wave mirrors for a start. The difference between 8" and 10" is significant, the light grasp is 50% more in the 10" however the weight is similarly larger. If you can handle the weight and the cost always go for the largest aperture you can.

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The tube weight isn't to bad on the 10" isn't to bad. Its the weight of the base thats to much for me personally. But then I am disabled. I would go for the 10" if you have the cash though, as Gordon said its 50% more light gathering power..

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Oh, and the 10" is faster so will be a little harsher on your eyepieces but nothing you'll notice. Similar focal lengths too so mag is similar although the 10" will be brighter. Exit pupil sweet spot moves slightly too but again nothing you'll notice too much.

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The tube weight isn't to bad on the 10" isn't to bad. Its the weight of the base thats to much for me personally. But then I am disabled. I would go for the 10" if you have the cash though, as Gordon said its 50% more light gathering power..

Theres two ways to look at it. Either 50% more light gathering or half a magnitude...... :)

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To be honest, although I really do wan't the 10", I can afford it too, but having worked out the sizes (Jesus it's huge!) I just don't think it will be practical. I mean I have to haul it up and down a flight of outside stairs that are pretty narrow..I would be worried about damaging it.

Is the 8" just as good? I mean I know it's not as powerfull..but you know..

Shame I wanted to see the arms on M51..

Can't have everything I suppose..


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"powerful" is subjective really. Both have equal magnification which is what people think of as "power" but the 10" will resolve finer detail than the 8". However that said the 8" will blow you away just fine compared to your current scope. You are suffering from paralysis by analysis hehe, just go buy the 8" and you wont regret it.

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it was the diameter of the tube that put me off the 10" I mean it needs a 10" hole in the top :shock:

As for this F5 F6 Business I have no idea, if you were talking tornadoes then it would be a different matter all together :)

As for weight, I have a GEM with a lump of concrete hanging off it..:)


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