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finding polaris with scope

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Have you got your finderscope and main scope co-aligned yet? take some time to sort that out.. start with your longest focal length EP in the Scope to give you the lowest magnification and widest FOV...

Have you got the mount roughly polar aligned I'm not a GEM person but there are a few useful guides out there...?


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All aligned finder and scope - guess its as they say difficult with an eq mount - think ive learnt - just frustrating as its CLEAR SKY - just cheered myself up and watched jupiter - awesome as always and you are Gem - always helpful

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Given up as I'm totally confused - think its the scale of things throgh the scope that throwing me. Tried locating Capella through scope , but no joy - can see MK1 eyeball so should not be that difficult with scope - oh well its only second time so still a long way to go.

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Sorted now - discovered I maade a silly mistake when allowing for magnetic variation, so last time was 8 Degrees off. corrected tonight and was pretty near so well pleased. Just need to practise now finding stars etc :D

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