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Confused about filters

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I've been following the various threads on here re filters. Now I'm only just started with a scope so its visual for me at the moment. Do I even need to bother at this stage. Where I view from is fortunately not to bad for LP, though there is some.

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I might get a neutral density filter (Jupiter is a bit bright) but as most are saying im better off learning the sky and scope first. When I feel comfortable which density should I get given my scope has a 1500 mm aperture?

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i bought a variable polarization filter, it gives you what you need for the moon, in different fases, and on other targets, i think this is a good investment, since it covers so many uses.


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Hi Rob,

This is the first filter I ever used and it's the filter that, 6 months later, still gets used most regularly.

It's a neutral density filter, as alfi says it can cover a lot of bases when it comes to visual observing so is a great investment. Brilliant for increasing surface contrast on the Moon, it acts like a pair of sunglasses and just dims the glare. So many intricate details become obvious when you compare the view with and without that particular filter.

It has also been useful for viewing Jupiter - just reduces the glare, I can pick out a little more detail when Jupiter isn't flooding my eyeball with all that light! As it's a neutral density filter it reduces brightness but doesn't affect the colour of the object you are looking at - perfect for helping you to pick out the subtle but beautiful bands on Jupiter.

I'd say 0.9 density, the same as mine.

The filter I use most regularly after the Baader neutral density is the skywatcher light pollution reduction filter. It darkens the sky considerably if you suffer from a fair bit of light pollution. It's made globular and open clusters that bit more impressive and helped a little when I was searching for DSOs.

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Thanks Amanda - ive ordered a neutral density and an UHC Ill see how I go om - given my LP is not bad on a clear night think I'll be quids in. In fact the LP on a CLEAR night is next to nothing which is amazing - just watched Jupiter and it was awesome!!

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