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just setup and used my Skywatcher Explorer 150PL for the first time last night - well pleased. Spent a good hour tracking Jupiter and its gaggle of moons - felt sorry for Callisto getting left out abit :D

Quick question - the EPs that came with the scope are okish, but I'm looking at getting the Meade 4000. Now the ones I'm thinking of getting are the 10, 15 and 20. I know they do a 26 , but since im 55 I figure I'd be better off with the 20. Thoughts?

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I had the same scope and I've had some 4000 e/ps too. IMHO the difference between the skywatcher supplied 25mm e/p and the meade 32 (which is what I have ) is modest but the difference between the skywatcher 10mm e/p and the meades is significant (because the skywatcher 10mm e/p is a bit carp). My feeling is it's better to spend a bit more £££ on one good e/p (say form the £60 level) than 3 or 4 cheapish ones. If you are set on the meades you can usually pick them up 2nd hand on astro buy sell or ebay for around £20 each (IIRC).

good luck:)

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Hello Rob(?), welcome to SGL.

The choice of eyepiece focal lengths depends on what you want to look at as much as any technical exit pupil size issues.

I'm 60 and (mostly) use a 20mm eyepiece for observing, switching to higher powers if there is a reason to do so. However, I also have a Meade 5000 32mm eyepiece which gives lovely, bright widefield views.


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Quote "the difference between the skywatcher 10mm e/p and the meades is significant (because the skywatcher 10mm e/p is a bit carp)"

I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of the supplied Skywatcher 10mm EP. I get great views with the 25mm, and 25mm+barlow but the 10mm on it's own isn't as good as the 25+barlow combi, and I've been unable to focus anything with the 10mm+barlow.

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Thanks everybody i'm going with a Meade5000 20 to start with. just another quick question which barlow do people recommend - I've seen the TAL x2 mentioned - any other recommendations , as the supplied barlow is dire.


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The barlow supplied with some Skywatcher scopes is a singlet lens (ie: non-achromatic) :D

The TAL is a good barlow - you have to pay quite a bit more to get a noticable improvement (eg: a Celestron Ultima).


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