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A few questions

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My 1st post, so a little hello first...

hello.. I have been a telescope owner since my late teens, and know a fair few of the basics but am always learning! Now I am too old to be out drinking every night I want to get myself a 'proper' telescope to replace my 15+ year old Russian Tal 110 reflector, which I am sure is built out of old tank parts.

I am looking at the Skywatcher range of reflectors especially the 200P on an HEQ5 mount (f5 version).

I plan to use this for visual observation and imaging, mainly with a DSLR in prime focus or piggybacked for wide field photography, maybe a nice ccd a few years down the line.

Does this sound like a good choice for imaging and visual?

From what I have been reading the HEQ5 mount is a better choice than the EQ5, but it also adds a LOT to the bill. Experience tells me that the extra money will be worth it in the long run, so I think its the HEQ5. Now this leads me to my next question, GOTO or not-GOTO?

I have been looking into the EQMod thingy that many people here seem to use, does this provide goto capability via a laptop, basically replacing the goto handset? So I could get away with a Syntrek version without goto and control via a pc and save a couple of hundred quid?

I'm open to suggestions to a totally different setup, I am looking to spend between £700-1000. I was looking at telescopeplanet, bu after reading on here they can look at my bargepole! Anyone got anything bad to say about pulsar-optical?

Sorry for such a long post..

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yes, the heq5 is a better mount.

i have the same scope, and it is nice, i have changed the focuser to a orion low-profile 2 speed crayford, because the original one would not give me enough intravel to reach focus with my canon 450d.

and you can save some money on the mount if you use the laptop to control it, many people do.


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Hi and welcome to SGL!

I just thought I'd say be careful about Pulsar Optical too - many people (though not all) have had bad experiences with them too. If you want advice give First Light Optics, SGL sponsors, a call (see the banner at the top of the page).


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Hold fire on the low profile focuser. I have the SW 200 and a Canon 1000D and can achieve focus OK. Just unscrew the 1.25" eyepiece holder, screw your Canon/T thread adaptor to the protruding thread, attach camera to said adaptor - jobs a good 'un.


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My personal advice is:-


There are threads on the Skyatnightfroum about numerous problems with non delivery and very poor service. I personally had to get a refund for non delivered goods through my credit card company and also reported them to Trading Standards. Their attitude and service was appalling and they were not in the slightest bit concerned about the fact that they had not sent the goods - despite paying for next day delivery.

BTW - they also trade as Scope 'n' Skies and both have the same address of The Astronomy and Nature Centre, Ely.

I will echo previous comments about Flirst Light Optics - their service is excellent and they sponsor this forum.

One sound piece of advice I was given - never buy online from a company that doesn't give a proper geographical land line telephone number - if it's 0845, 0870 or anything like that - steer well clear.

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