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Messier Madness!


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I managed to got up to Wenlock Edge tonight with the scope (darkest place around here) and WOW!!

The first thing I found..Probably shocking really..It was the Veil Nebula!! which looked like a smokey tattered smudge!! I was well pleased! My first Nebula!!

I tried to find the Ring..Still no joy..I have given up with that until I get the Dobs.

Next I had a stab at the North America Nebula, this was a long shot due to my poor scope..I think I found it though, a faint wedge smudge set against loads of stars (could that be the Milky Way??)

Next I went for the Dumbell - M27. After about 10 mins of cursing (and tripping over a rock) I found it YAY! looked like a tiny egg timer on its side lol..

I then went cluster hunting. M13, M29, M56 and M92 all bagged! You could tell by this point I was loving it! 1 month to the Dobs..I will be getting excited all over again!

To top the night off, it looked like one of the moons of Jupiter was going across the face of the planet..that or a speck of dust on the lens!

Either way, I go to bed tonight a happy man!


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What a result! Get the Messier chart filled in sharpish.

Is the Veil nebula an easy spot? I don't know where it is, but I will next time its not cloudy.

BTW Is this the same 'scope that nearly got all smashed up?

If you can find these messy things now, just think what the Dob will do for you. I think you're doing well with what you've got, and that means well done from me.

Its amazing that you even tried, some of us (me) have kind of hibernated as the sky doesn't get dark before drink has taken it's toll and its too risky to get the 'scope out.

Glad you had fun and glad you reported on it. Its nice to hear about victories.

Captain Chaos

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Yeah CC, it's the same scope :)

The Vail is quite easy to spot (admittedly I was in pretty dark spot, I could see the milky way) Hmm how to describe where it is.. It's like between Epsilon Cyg and and Zeta Cyg (I think thats how you say it anyway) in Cygnus. It's hard to find it (well it was with my microscope :)) but when I viewed it it kinda looked like a ragged blob, which was brighter in some places..

As for the rest, I'm still buzzing about it..Oh I forgot to add, I saw M45, though I couldn't see the blue nebula with it.. There are a few more than 7 sisters there lol.

To top a great night off, I got home and the neighbours security light was beaming through my garden, annoyed of what I have been missing, I threw a pebble at it, first shot I hit it dead on smashing the bulb to bits..I made a hasty retreat then lol. I'm not the only one after that light, so they can't prove anything :)

All together I'm really pleased.


Oh whats the Messier Chart?

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:shock: :shock: What a night! You've certainly got your star hopping sorted. As cc says you need to fill in the I See Starts messier chart. Click on the I See Stars banner at the top of the page. You will need to register then go to the messier page and add a report for each messier you have observed.

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A good night indeed Kain!!

As for the Messier Chart, look at the sig for me or CC, Ant and a few others - it shows your imaged targets, visual targets and your latest one. Go to www.iseestars.net, sign up for an account and then follow the links at the top of the page

Isee is where SGL is hosted and is owned and operated by our very own Grant. The basic account is free, but Grant is offering discounts on the paid accounts - see his sig for details :)

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