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more Jupiter images

red dwalf

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i did these at 10 frames a second, should i have done them at 5 as i`ve now read that if you increase the frame rate you loose detail, and as i was clear last night i hoped to do better.

As long as you have enough light (which it looks like you do) You should maintain as fast a frame rate as possible. This makes no difference to the quality or detail unless the frame rate is above the transfer rate of your computer system, in which case the frames will be compressed and cause loss of detail.

Try a number of settings to see for your self. I have never found 10 to be a problem and have never seen any degradation with 15. The advantage of the faster frame rate with Jupiter is that the planet revolves so quickly that a lot more frames can be captured in the time it takes the rotation to blur the end product, and more frames to work with is better in terms of getting a smoother more detailed result from "Regi" :o

What you have captured is pretty good . Keep practising, and keep focusing :)

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