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Pluto Challange


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Pluto sits quite high in the souther sky at the moment and i was wonder if anyone is up too the challenge of imaging or observing the tiny Planet/Moon?

At 20 degrees Altitude it maybe within the reach of most Backyards view? at Mag 13.5 it's a tough one to crack in smaller Scopes but i have observed it in a 4.5" Reflector in the past..

Good luck!

James :)

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Think it should just be high enough from my garden James. The trouble is knowing which speck of light is Pluto. So, if I get a few clear nights I will image the area and hopefully it will move about a bit and reveal itself.

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Ooooh.. nothing like a challenge to get the juices flowing 8)

Just give me a clear sky to the south :)

Never knowingly seen it yet mind you I've yet to see Mercury.

I have been trecking up the hill most nights this week to try and see it following

the sun down but theres always a bloomin cloud formation in the way :)

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Pluto is the only planet I've never seen. Its close to some fairly bright stars at the moment (and getting closer, I think), so should be pretty easy to locate if you have the skies/aperture.

As soon as the nights darken I'm going try and capture some movement over a couple of nights using my DSI.

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It's my intention to do the same as some of you chaps image the Area over a few weeks(If clear) then put together a animation of Pluto moving against the starry background, dont need drives either on ya mount!


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It's my intention to do the same as some of you chaps image the Area over a few weeks(If clear) then put together a animation of Pluto moving against the starry background, dont need drives either on ya mount!


I plan to locate Pluto again at the Canyon next week. Hadn't thought of imaging, but the animation idea would be cool.

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