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Heq5 Pro Max Payload

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Hi Guys,

I've been looking online for the maximum payload for a Heq5 pro and i can only see mention of Max tube weight of 15kg.

I just added a Skytraveller 80mm as a guide scope to me 8" Explorer 200mm tube. Now i'm assuming the standard white ocunter werights are 5kg each, i've just added another 7kg to balance the scope.

So in total i have 17kg as counter balance, is this too much for a Heq5 pro, or do i need to drop back down to the standard 10kg supplied and get a longer weight extension bar instead ?


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I've just had a similar discussion this afternoon (about the syntrek rather than the pro, but they're both essentially the same with regards to payload)!


I think that basically, you would be very much on the edge of what it can take with that, and you may struggle if you begin adding extras. I did quite an extensive search on the topic before I posted my question and I remember seeing at least one other person with exactly the same as you (80mm refractor and 200mm reflector) on an HEQ5.

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I just worked it out, with the my ccd, filterwheel, focuser, guidescope / tube rings etc i'm coming in at around 13kg, am i pushing the Heq5 pro ?

I'm reading in some places it can only handle 10kg load and other says 15kg, does any know the max payload this mount can handle ?

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Hi Rich,

I have the same setup as you, and when I switch the 8" newt to my Equinox 80, it makes a huge difference to the auto-guiding.

I suspect this kind of rig is right on the limits of what this mount can do, infact so much so that in some positions, auto-guiding can be much harder than it should be

I'm probably one of a long list of HEQ5 users who wish they had got an EQ6!!

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you are still a good few kilos under the limit and the heq5 has better guiding and pe than the heq6 although its pointing is not as good

the only thing is, is that it is not just about the weight a 8" newt is a big old flag to have waving about on a windy night where as the eq6 will handle it better

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Skywatcher Equatorial Telescope Mounts


i had an ed80 as well as a 6inch newt with all the works on mine last year and it did not flinch but if you are obsy based i would future proof myself to a certain extent as you never know when a 8" newt will become a 190mm mak newt for instance and its way better for a mount to jog along all evening rather than struggle its taters off :o

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I too had the 8" newt, ST80, QHY5, Atik 16, & filter wheel on the HEQ5 Pro (with longer extension bar). I could usaully go upto 5 min subs but it was flexing quite a lot. I have, just this week, changed the newt for the C80ED and the (weight) difference really shows. As euan said; should have gone for the EQ6.


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Changing the HEQ5 for an EQ6 will make no difference at all to the flexure between the two scopes.

Ideally what you need to do is beef up the side by side bar, get better/stronger dovetail bars and maybe improve the tube rings.

The ADM / Astrodevelopements systems seem quite good, they are wider and much more stability than the usual SbS dovetails.

But they are more money!


As euan said; should have gone for the EQ6.


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  • 2 years later...

hi there :D im thing of buyin a new OTA for my HEQ5 no goto no syntek mount and

waz lookin at gettin the Celestron 9.25 stc for my mount but im a little confused though as iv been to variose scope outlet sites and they quote different weights for the C.95 ota version ,eg one site says it weighs 33.11 kg and harrisons scopes says it weighs 9.07 kg ??? and the limit of my standard HEQ5 mount is i think 18kg so i need a real weight for this ota if im goin to get the right scope for my mount ,do u think my mount would handle the wieght ? could anyone help ? thanks

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