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Give me a gun!!! 8/6/06


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Ugh, I have given up tonight!!

Firstly the moon is lighting everything up, the streetlights are doing the same!! The some idiots security light came on...It was as light as it is at 10pm at night..so I have given up now..

I tried to find M108 and M97..couldn't see either, I must have been looking in the right place..left abit of Beta UMa..couldn't see anything..to be honest I don't think my scope is powerful enough, maybe when the Dobs arrive I shall try again. M81 and M82..I can't find them!!! Any tips on how to find these swines..

Tried for M27..it was in the direction of Bridgnorth town so anything there would be lost in the LP anyway..

I looked for M94..gues what!? I couldn't find it :)..any tips??

So with feeling abit fed up at this point, and rather hot and sticky, I looked at M13...Old faithful showed up like an luminous smudge..well at least the night wern't wasted!

Jupiter..I couldn't get a decent focus..I'm thinking now theres abit of sh*t up in the atmosphere because it's been so hot..

Roll on Sunday/Monday..Theres storms on there way!

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Hi Kain,

I know the feeling. Full moon in June is not a great time to look for galaxies! I'm going to give them a miss for a week or so. Alternatively, if you can wait till 2 in the morning M31 is rising. It's easy to know where to look and so bright that I spotted it yesterday in a horrible old pair of 8x40 binoculars. Another couple of months and it'll be a gem.

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Yup no way i,m afraid Kain, with this Moon its hard to see a thing , let alone image , about all we imagers can get really is the easy neb , m27 ,m57 , and the hot weather is,nt helping either , i got my scope up , tried Jupiter. then put it away again lol. so lets have a big thunderstorm , clear the air , dont get to fed up , it will soon be back to cold nights again ,


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