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First attempt at M13


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I'm sure something is going seriously wrong in processing because the original jpeg images are more clear than the final one!

DSS seems to spit out a final 'grey' coloured image which I try to play around with. Not sure what I'm doing wrong...

Here is one of the jpegs straight of the camera before stacking...


Used 14 of these with darks too...:)

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I must admit I find DSS quite tricky to work with too. As tarqs said, the final image that comes out of it is always a washed out affair :) I'm sure we'd both be very happy if one of the processing gurus around here could help us out :) I mean, do I try to tweak things in DSS? Or just take the wishy washy stacked image and use some other app like Pixinsight LE to fiddle?

Anyway tarqs, it looks like your source images are pretty good, apart from the LP, so I think your issue is more processing related. As previously mentioned it looks like you've overprocessed or over compressed the final image which is messing it up... I think, I'm a n00b too :)

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