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Jupiter first!!


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Last night managed to get my first view of Jupiter and 4 moons with my Skylux. Must admit to being very impressed_ image was clear and the planet appeared to be a pale creamy colour.

Could not see any banding tho, anyone know if this is possible with the Skylux?


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In the Planetry section you can see an image i took with a 80mm celestron, the view at the eyepiece wasnt so far from whats seen in the image i'll try and dig it out if i can..


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Hello Pete,

In past years I have seen the 2 main bands on Jupiter with my old 60mm f13 Tasco refractor and the cruddy H12.5mm eyepiece that came with it so you should be able to make them out with your 70mm. One problem is that Jupiter is not rising very high above the horizon this time around which makes getting steady, clear seeing more challenging.

Keep trying. With planets (and much else astro-wise as well) the saying "the more you look, the more you'll see" is very applicable.


North Somerset

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It was very warm down here last night so that would have paid a big part in the quality..

Also the air quality is suffering, a definate yellow haze over Exeter this afternoon we need a shower to crispen thing up again.

Is there such a word as "Crispen". :)

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