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June 6/6/06 moon


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I'm still getting the hang of this photography lark through a scope, I have just found the manual for the camera, and man, I ain't got the foggiest idea what half the stuff does!! It's so confusing! However I'm going to try (try being the operative word) to take a pic of M13 tonight...But I ain't holding my breath lol!!

Anyway heres a pic of the moon I just took, I had a fiddle on PS&, but I ain't got a clue what I'm doing with that either :P///In other words I'm totally clueless LOL


Not that great I know, but meh :)


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Hi Kain ,ok this is how it would be , i think you just need more time on the focus, and also the exposure , try and keep it towards the dark side when taking the image , its easier to bring out the detail , that way , than coming back , i done my best to show the detail but it was very over expposed , hope that will give you some help ,



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Do you have a moon fiter too Kain? if so use Steves suggested settings and if you find its still over exposed use ya Moon filter, thats a cracking image from someone who knows next to nothing about astrophotography so i reakon you do know and it's a worthy image well done.


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I like that pic Kain, it's got loads of atmosphere. We've had a lot of haziness lately and this shows what the moon has been looking like half the time :) A whole lot better than my 1st image of the moon. You're on the right track for sure

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