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Opportunity Digging Out Of Dune One Klick From Victoria


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Opportunity is less than 1 kilometer (just over half a mile) from reaching Victoria Crater - its destination for several months. During the last planned drive on May 28, on sol, or Martin day, 833, the rover became embedded in a soft dune. As designed, mission controllers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory stopped the drive by a slip check.

The extraction process began on sol 836, with 5 meters (16 feet) of commanded motion, and 9 centimeters (3.5 inches) of actual forward progress. Controllers considered the results encouraging, and ordered extraction to continue on Friday, June 2, and over the weekend if necessary.

NASA controllers reported that Opportunity is otherwise healthy and continues to conduct atmospheric and targeted remote sensing on the path south.

Full Story at http://www.marsdaily.com/reports/Opportunity_Digging_Out_Of_Dune_One_Klick_From_Victoria.html

Amaze's me the success of these Rover Mission's...

James :)

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