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Lovely Jupiter 5th June 06


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Here's a pic of Jupiter from tonight taken with the TS 5" Frac 2x Barlow and Toucam Pro SC1.5..

Setting's were Gain 35% Brightness 20% Saturation 60% Auto White Balance 5FPS frame rate.

Stack of 400 images in Registax.

Hope you like, iam well pleased with the result after much time away from Planetry Imaging and seeing conditions being 6/10 at best.This is the first pick out of around 13 Avis hope the others are as good.


James :D

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Thanks Gaz, iam well chuffed i have an avi that looks like it may have 3 moons with Jupiter :shock: i'll take my time over processing that one :D

Again there was thin layers of Clouds cant help but think they help a lot with Planetry imaging or at least for me anyway, sort of Act like a Filter me thinks..

James :D

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Your right to be pleased James, very nice images.

Interesting how different people use different camera settings.

The other night, I settled on 50% brightness, 100% saturation and zero gain.

Cant remember the shutter speed but used that to get the right level.

Thats the beauty of the Toucam, infinate settings 8)

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Thanks for the comments Guys iam very happy with these results and cant wait to try Jupiter with the 10" SCT when it's clear again....

How did you get rid of the colour fringing on the edges of the planet? I even get them on my Mak/Cass, has Mr Gauss got a button to do this as well?

To do this i go through each of the RGB channels in Photoshop adjusting brightness/Contrast Levels and the RGB levels themselves also the Saturation too. Problem is getting the right balance doing this as sometimes you can remove vital details or be left with an image of jupiter looking like it's fell out of a 60's Acid Party :D


Yes thats the great thing about webcams changeing the settings, all scopes and seeing conditions need the settings changed every night prob why it's so hard to advise someone on settings using the camera although i will swear by using 5fps..


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although i will swear by using 5fps

I agree, my toucam's day job is watching a bird table outside the window of my computer room.

I did some daytime tests at different fps settings and the compression at anything above 5fps

is quite severe.

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The thing is when you think about Planetry imaging using anything above 5fps your going to lose fine details and also require more Gain values hence noise etc etc..

Bird table Toucaming sounds good Phil got any pics maybe for the Lounge?

James :D

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Great picture James. The high cloud is often associated with low levels of atmospheric turbulence - not sure whether it's cause or effect but the result is good seeing. Very nice colour and GRS as well. :D :D :D

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yes this 5 and 10 fps, is a weird one , like u say James the 5 frames is normally the best , but i did give this a test on Sat. i cant compare now , but both sessions of 5 and 10 frames yelded much the same quality image , with the 10 fps slightly better , the only reason i done this lol was because i have a lot of dust bunnies on the chip , to lazy to clean it ehheeh , just wanted to grab as many frames as poss before it drifted on to a dust bunny, just a thought eh ,


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I think the 10 fps can be advantages if the seeing is really poor that way you have captured more and more frames to select good ones... What i reakon though is soon as you start compressing an image/frame it lose's information i could be wrong but i guess the images are the proof to the pudding.

James :)

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Great image James. And that 127 frac is performing very well indeed. GRS stands out like a sore thumb and nice going capturing the moon too. Plenty of detail seeing how crummy this years Jupiter apparition is.

Boy it's a long, long time since i posted a planetary image. Did try imaging Jupiter with Rob the other night but it was carp. Tried again Saturday, slightly better but still firmly in the carp bracket.

You very well indeed. :)


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