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Report from tonight 3/6/06


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I bet your getting bored of these!

Tonight wasn't as good as last night, high cirrus was a problem giving everything that was bright enough to see a halo, however a few gaps allowed for some viewing.

First up was Jupiter, now I hate to say this, but this planet is getting old now through my scope, same thing viewed night after night..so I didn't do much with the big un' tonight..

So I went to Ursa Major to see if I could see M108/109..After spending half an hour looking for them both..I gave up. Perhaps I did see them..I just honestly don't know what I'm looking for as an image.So abit hit and miss there. I then decided to look for M81/82...guess what, I couldn't blumming find them :D I found a little group of about 3 stars up there, but thats about it..At this point I was getting abit fed up, and I had a torch shined in my eyes so I went in and had a cuppa

Came back out after half an hour and went straight to M13, This I found instantly now I know where it is, I took it down to a 6.5mm EP and could see loads of stars! Even more impressed with this than I was last night, I love the colour of the whole thing! Great stuff! Anyway went back down to a 20mm EP and went on another search..

I popped over to Lyra to look for M57, I think I was looking in the right place, directly in the middle of Beta/Gamma Lyr.. Couldn't see it though, maybe the 20mm EP is to weak for that for my scope..

From there I decided to look for something I ain't tried to see yet, so I went to Canes Venatici I found the constellation really easy, just looked up the Bottom of Ursa Major! Having found that I tried to see if I could see M94..could I hell, looked all around and couldn't see anything that looked like a smudge, though I did see a greenish star, thats was quite nice (knowing me that was probably M94 but I didn't know what to look for) I also have a pop at finding M51..Guess what no joy there :D

By this time I was getting a little frustrated (sad I know) I don't know if it's the fact I dunno what I'm meant to see down the EP, or the fact I am seeing what I'm looking for, and when I try with the Dobs I will see something that will stand out much better I dunno.. In Canes Venatici I did see a metoer! so not all was wasted there..

I didn't really know what to look at now, the clouds were being a total pain so I had a look at some stars. Mizar and Alcor and Mizars little double star, and also a couple of doubles in Lyra, not that exciting, but it was something..

I think I saw a Iridium Flare though!! Something streaked across the sky sometimes between half 10 and 11..Super bright it was, I thought it could be an meteor, but it was far to bright! So maybe it was a IF I don't know..It was cool either way!

Quite a disappointing night really, I think I may be expecting to much from my scope and I will do better with the Dobs in July..

M13 was the star of the show again tonight, I can't believe how all them stars are not visible with the unaided eyes...Theres 1000s of them! (though a 6.5mm EP anyway!)

At least we could get thunderstorms tomorrow :D, It's not all bad lol


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Kain just checked for iridium flares in your area for the last 48 hours their has been only three for around Bridnorth

Date Local

Time Intensity

( Mag) Alt.  Azimuth  Distance to

flare centre Intensity at

flare centre

(Mag.) Satellite

02 Jun 23:11:02 -2 34° 266° (W ) 30.8 km (E) -7 Iridium 61

03 Jun 00:37:31 -0 54° 215° (SW ) 38.4 km (E) -8 Iridium 83

03 Jun 22:21:46 -5 11° 344° (NNW) 14.5 km (W) -5 Iridium 91

maybe one of these  is what you saw  :D

keep up the reports  they make for an interesting read  :D

these are the predicticted iridium flares in your area for the next 7 nights Kain

Search Period Start: 02:44, Sunday, 04 June, 2006

Search Period End: 03:44, Sunday, 11 June, 2006

Observer's Location: Bridgnorth ( 52.5380°N, 2.4200°W)

Local Time: British Summer Time (GMT + 1:00)

Date Local

Time Intensity

( Mag) Alt. Azimuth Distance to

flare centre Intensity at

flare centre

(Mag.) Satellite

04 Jun 23:08:11 -3 30° 271° (W ) 25.8 km (W) -7 Iridium 7

05 Jun 02:10:43 -1 57° 165° (SSE) 23.8 km (W) -8 Iridium 80

05 Jun 03:38:55 -1 52° 293° (WNW) 26.1 km (W) -8 Iridium 72

05 Jun 22:33:28 -0 19° 290° (WNW) 98.3 km (E) -6 Iridium 91

05 Jun 23:02:11 -3 31° 272° (W ) 24.6 km (E) -7 Iridium 37

06 Jun 00:28:29 -2 50° 228° (SW ) 21.8 km (W) -8 Iridium 13

06 Jun 02:04:39 -8 56° 164° (SSE) 3.6 km (E) -8 Iridium 81

06 Jun 03:32:49 -8 52° 295° (WNW) 1.5 km (E) -8 Iridium 62

07 Jun 00:22:27 -4 51° 228° (SW ) 11.1 km (E) -8 Iridium 50

07 Jun 03:26:41 -1 52° 297° (WNW) 27.5 km (E) -8 Iridium 65

07 Jun 22:49:45 -2 12° 300° (WNW) 77.0 km (W) -5 Iridium 91

07 Jun 22:59:21 -5 27° 277° (W ) 16.3 km (W) -7 Iridium 6

08 Jun 22:53:23 -2 27° 279° (W ) 40.1 km (E) -7 Iridium 4

09 Jun 22:56:37 -2 24° 282° (WNW) 44.0 km (W) -7 Iridium 34

10 Jun 01:49:31 -0 58° 181° (S ) 30.9 km (W) -8 Iridium 41

10 Jun 03:17:25 -0 45° 299° (WNW) 42.9 km (W) -8 Iridium 64

10 Jun 22:50:35 -3 25° 283° (WNW) 30.7 km (E) -6 Iridium 5

11 Jun 00:07:24 -4 47° 239° (WSW) 13.0 km (W) -8 Iridium 52

11 Jun 01:43:28 -8 58° 180° (S ) 0.3 km (W) -8 Iridium 42

11 Jun 03:11:21 -3 44° 301° (WNW) 16.3 km (W) -8 Iridium 67


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It could well have been this one

03 Jun 22:21:46 -5 11° 344° (NNW) 14.5 km (W) -5 Iridium 91

I wen't keeping time, so it was only an estimated guess of the time in my origional post. Thats quite cool then that I could have seen a IF :D


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Yeah I'm really looking forward to getting the Dobs...not long now :D

Just seen some daylight stuff, more Mamma clouds lol..

Incidentally, could that green star been the cats eye?


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The green star was most likely an illusion, Kain. Stars don't shine in that band because the rest of their visible light drowns it out. It could easily have been a double star, though. Close doubles of different spectral classes, read "colors", can affect how you see the fainter one. Antares for instance is a bright red giant accompanied by a fainter yellow dwarf. When split, the dwarf appears decidedly green in contrast. While the Cat's Eye nebula does apprae green in the EP, but it's quite far from M94.

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