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Astronomy Books for Kids in Uganda


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This just came over to me from a good friend stateside.. Hoping some of the kindly souls here can help

Mimi Burbank, has been living in Kasese, Uganda and working the South Rwenzori Diocese of the Church of Uganda. Here's little of what she has to say:

We live in a part of the world where electricity is not in great demand, and therefore the night skies are absolutely beautiful! There is nothing (except for clouds during the rainy season) to prevent one from looking at the stars and planets, and with some software that I have on my computer, I am able to recognize the constellations that I see -- something I have never been able to do before in my life. We are too poor to have a telescope (sad about that) but teaching the children about the formation of the universe and our relationship with the rest of the galaxy is something that I wish I could do.
Science is so sadly 'under-taught' - largely because of lack of material and books, but I can assure you that the interest is there. Children are the same the world around - they all want to know more.
I would love to have books and teaching materials for astronomy - for ages 3 on up to adult. If I could get the adults interested in this, we could do more in the way of teaching. We just need resources!

If you have some old or even new astronomy books that you don't need, why not send them off to someone who wants them? It would be a good project to help celebrate the International Year of Astronomy.

Send them to:

Mimi Burbank

c/o South Rwenzori Diocese

PO Box 142

Kasese, Uganda

East Africa

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I dont want to put a dampner on things but I have a good friend thats involved in the distribution of books to uganda and other parts of Africa. On a weekly basis more then 20 thousand books are packed into boxes and sent to the ports to be shipped over.

He told me that out of every thousand books that are sent only 1 or 2 will arrive safely. Problems with their government and import duties and corruption and also the selling of these books before they arrive to other nations. it was actually researched by my friends company that 20 in every thousand somehow end up back here where they started from. (Strange)

Also at anyone time there is at least 2 million books waiting at the ports in containers and these books never seam to move and can sit there for years.

But overall its a good cause Nick.



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Funny enough, I just got an email from the Minister of Astronomy in Nigeria. Said he had syphoned a load of cash off their space program, and just needs someone in Britain to help him get the cash. All he needs is a bit of money from me for administration... Do you think these are related?

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erm...no...funnily enough, I don't...seeing as how this request came from the outreach officer at Mount Palomar Observatory, but thanks for that interjection which is sure to help..

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Books are exempt from import duty in African countries, so as long as they are labelled correctly they should not be held up in customs sheds. With regard to the telescope - assuming someone can be found to take it with them it is very likely that the Diocese itself, or charity which Mimi works for has exemption status with regard to importing goods from abroad and as long as its paperwork is in order and the correct proceedures are followed, no customs duty would have to be paid.

My job used to involve clearing things through customs in both East Africa and Zambia. You need lots of patience and have to be very persistent but stuff does get through. Unfortunately though, I don't know anyone going to Uganda in the near future.

Good luck!

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