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M8, Lagoon Nebula


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I'm amazed at the number of clear night I've had lately, 5 really good ones since 15th August, so I've been busy.

Here's one of the targets I've been imaging.

The Lagoon Nebula is quite tricky from my location because I only get a limited time (about 1/2 hour) to image as it slips into the small gap between my neighbours house and mine. So this is shot over two nights so far, 20th August I got 7 off 180 second subs and 24th August I got 6 off 180 second subs to give a total exposure of 39 minutes. Frames were stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop CS2 and Noels actions.

Camera - modified (Astronomiser) Canon EOS 300D with Astronomik CLS clip filter

Scope - William Optics Megrez 80II FD, piggybacked on the 12" LX200. Not guided.

Hope you like it!



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