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It's arrived!!!

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My first scope, a Skywatcher explorer 150P arrived about 30 mins ago!!

Just a shame that a) i'm at work for another 3 hours!

:) it was last week i was off!

c) the weathers awful!

d) the wife wont let me open the boxes till the bathrooms finished!


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Great Carl, best you get your finger out & finish that bathroom off double quick time then, lol.

Alternatively, you could explain that it's to dark to work in the bathroom at night so therefore a spot of stargazing must be in order, lol

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Great Carl, best you get your finger out & finish that bathroom off double quick time then, lol.

Alternatively, you could explain that it's to dark to work in the bathroom at night so therefore a spot of stargazing must be in order, lol

hehe! she's out tonight so i might be tempted! whether the cloud will decide to go too is another matter though!

It's been lovely and clear ALL week, then my holiday ends, the scope arrives and it's...(insert expletive here!)

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I know the feeling all too well.

I have been tinkering on what to buy for a month now, & finally bought an Orion Europa 10" f4.8 at the weekend, my first scope. managed very minimal viewing last night for an hour, but not looking to promising here for tonight.

But at least now I have someone to share the blame with for the bad skies, lol

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Amateur Astronomy is perhaps the perfect example of the idea of "delayed gratification"...whether waiting for a clear night or finishing a DIY before we can indulge in our hobby/addiction/affliction, we seem always to be waiting for the fates to smile.

Enjoy your new scope!

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Tell the wife to finish the bathroom herself (lol - no I wouldn't either!). I remember the excitement of getting mine a couple of years ago and I still use it as much as possible (although it used to reside in the living room until my girlfrind insisted it live under the bed). You'll have many many nights to come and will see the night sky come to life. Happy stargazing.

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ha ha! she's already moaning that it takes up too much room in the living room!

I'm sure she'll change that opinion when she gets to have a look through it though.

I can honestly say that i didn't think anything that wasn't living or breathing could look so beautiful! (the scope, not the wife!!)

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Very good choice of scope - would suggest you put a fan in the back - I did with mine - it will give amazingly stable high power views by removing the boundary layer on the mirror and getting rid of tube currents.

sounds a little too technical for me at the moment!! i'll probably come back in a year and ask How do you do that then???

In the meantime i'm still scouting all 2nd hand shops for a philips webcam!, will be some time yet before i can afford a DSLR :)

btw, is my avatar/pic visible? i keot getting a message "upload of pic failed" but i can see it now!

The scope is as big as my daughter! hehe!

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finally got to set it up and look at something other than clouds!!only had had 15-20 minutes until it clouded over, but managed to get a good look at the moon (need a filter!!) , and then focused on a bright star that was close by only to find out it was Jupiter (i think) and its four moons!

To say i was gobsmacked was an understatement!

I always thought my expectations would be more than the scope could provide, but after only 10 mins of use i can happily say the opposite was true!

Could never beleive Jupiter would look so good and large too!

Could see the bands clearly! and this was just with the 25mm and 10mm eyepeices. using the 2x barlow didn't seem to make any difference to magnification, only made it 'blurry'. maybe this was down to the scope not having time to adjust to outside temp?

Now if i can only get to set the mount up properly!!! ive read the instructions over and over and over but still confused!

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Great few minutes you had there Carl,,yes indeed you can now chalk up Jupiter and 4 of it's moons, that first wow factor will live with you forever and it is just the start. It reminds me of when I was a child in a sweet shop for the first time, seeing all those huge jars of sweets and just standing there in awe and amazement. You won't be the first to look at the moon without a filter, it's a bit like looking into a car headlight (sure I have done it too)so I would definitely get a moon filter. With regards to setting up the mount just ask away, or use the search function on the forum as there are some great walk-through's which are invaluable.

carl (me too)

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I took my wife to the Salisbury Star Party (she was anti astronomy but liked camping) anyhow our bathroom is still not finished,,,,but we are the proud new owners of a 12" Lightbridge hehehehe. Now I have to stop her from spending money on astro gear........She finally understands it is better to spend money on something we can enjoy than on something that just provides convenience,,,,,,,,,Happy Days indeed...lol

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I took my wife to the Salisbury Star Party (she was anti astronomy but liked camping) anyhow our bathroom is still not finished,,,,but we are the proud new owners of a 12" Lightbridge hehehehe. Now I have to stop her from spending money on astro gear........She finally understands it is better to spend money on something we can enjoy than on something that just provides convenience,,,,,,,,,Happy Days indeed...lol

too true! the wife was just as impressed as i was, have to be careful she doesn't get too interested though!!!

Looks like im at the beginning of a very steep learning curve, so i'll search the forum Re the mount rather than make myself look foolish!

I did look at 2 guides of 'how to set up EQ mount' on youtube...both completely different!!

But first, the small matter of grouting the kitchen!!!:D

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sounds a little too technical for me at the moment!! i'll probably come back in a year and ask How do you do that then???

In the meantime i'm still scouting all 2nd hand shops for a philips webcam!, will be some time yet before i can afford a DSLR :)

btw, is my avatar/pic visible? i keot getting a message "upload of pic failed" but i can see it now!

The scope is as big as my daughter! hehe!

Howdy, well done on the new scope mate, I take it the clouds and rain are your fult then......:D

Anyway, you mentioned a webcam, I noticed this on Astro Buy / Sell. It might just be what you are looking for..... U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell


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Howdy, well done on the new scope mate, I take it the clouds and rain are your fult then......:D

Anyway, you mentioned a webcam, I noticed this on Astro Buy / Sell. It might just be what you are looking for..... U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell


yeah, sorry about the weather! was too late for the webcam too as i've not logged on for a few days! :)

I've picked up my old 35mm film SLR from my folks. It's an old Praktica with 28mm, 50mm, 80-200mm and a 2x converter. It's an M42 fit, but i'm going to experiment with all sorts of nightime photography.

I can always use mt Dads old Minolta film SLR too, thats a bayonet fit so prob have more choice of 2nd hand lenses.

Just wish i had £400+ spare for a DSLR:(

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