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Jupiter 21st August 2009


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Hi dweller, ..looks very blue, p'haps whitebalance needs adjusting?

what capture software do you use?

Nice one just the same :) How do you find the 8" on the mount? ..could you tell me what equivalent Skywatcher EQ-type your mount is? ( I'm thinking of pressing my 8" dob into service on Joop ) thanks


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Hello Russ,

Yes the colour balance needs adjusting, will try again tonight.

I use WXASTROCAPTURE - very stable indeed.

The Vixen GP-DX JUST manages to handle the 8", it is much more stable than my HEQ5 was but not as stable (or heavy) as an EQ6.

I have modified my OTA - flocked the front and rear of the tube and added a cooling fan. I keep the fan on all the time which stabilises planetary images - the best £5 I ever spent.


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Lots of detail from your webcam :)

I also use WXASTROCAPTURE. Never had a problem, never crashed in use.

The mods you have made to your OTA certainly seem to be getting great results.

Will flock my Tal OTA one day...

[edit] Colours now much better :) [edit]



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