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Jupiter 13 August 2009


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Tried imaging Jupiter for the first time of Thursday night. Unfortunately, it was still rather low down in the murk from my location which probably explains the low quality of this image: plus it was taken looking through a gap in the shrubs!:) I know it is no where near as good as some of the excellent images on here, but as it rises in the sky, I'm hoping things will improve.

Anyway, taken using a Celestron Neximage at prime focus on a Celestron C9.25 SCT mounted on a Skywatcher EQ6 Pro. About 700 frames caught using K3CCD Tools and stacked in Registax.

I have to add that it looked an imposing site through me Hyperion 8mm eyepiece, so as the king of planets rises higher in the sky, I'm hoping my captures will improve.


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I started viewing Jupiter last Thursday night around 10:30pm and the image was very unstable. I had to wait until 1am before it climbed to just 21 degrees when the image steadied down a bit. By the end of the month it will be a little higher for you so the images will improve.

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