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First webcam image...


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tried to capture jupiter last Friday with just a digital camera and it was quite successful. However, last night (well 1.00 AM this morning!) I tried with a web cam for the first time. The seeing was awfull. Cloud kept coming over and Jupiter was wobbling all over the place!!

Anyway had a go. Got 700 frames. Stacked in K3CCDTOOLS, and processed in photoscape.

Still, not too pleased with the result. Not much detail in it at all. Not sure if that is to do with the webcam settings or processing? Any ideas anybody? Criticism greatly received!!

Jupiter 12-08-09 edited.bmp

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Mmmmm.. what webcam did you use? I'm not familiar with the software you used, so that's another kettle of fish.. :) but that image seems hugely stretched to me, from my meagre experience with software I've used.. for the size of your scope, regardless of using barlow or not! ...I'd expect a pic more like the one in your avatar from a webcam shot... how much did you crop&enlarge your image?

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The webcam is just one we've had in the house for some time a Technika I think. Not brill.

Tried to stack in Registax but only used 5 frames of any use where as K3CCDTools used nearly all of them.

I did enlarge the image in processing. Do you recommend using a smaller scale?

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I used Philips SPC900NC webcam and stacked the avi in registax with this shot from last year... as an idea of what I got scale-wise

with my 150 f/5 newt.. probably cropped a bit but not enlarged..

probably about 3x barlow... (memory on details a bit vague, sorry)

I'd guess a lot lies in the processing, as well as the camera itself.

Sooooo many variables.. hard to say.. but each deserves practise and experiment.. :) (I really must get out there again myself!!!:))


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Sooooo many variables.. hard to say.. but each deserves practise and experiment.. :) (I really must get out there again myself!!!:))

Yes old bean.....I've been hearing those comments uttered by you repeated down at The Club by Blenchly (you know, that ghastly fellow you sent down here to Sth Oz whose only saving grace was his ability to top up our whiskies and sodas.....well, that and the glowing reference he seemed to have wrung out of your good self by knowing heaven-knows-what "Dark Secret" concerning the reasons you left the Old Dart to take up residence on our fair shores in the first instance!)

But still, you are right on the money with that comment my good man.....:)

Tarquin, Jupiter really is being a cow of a King Planet just about everywhere right now - up your way with the low elevation and other things like poor seeing in general, and here Down Under we seem to be getting flogged continuously for ever leaving The Mother Country, with these barbaric jetstreams et al.....increasing image scale won't help, but quite likely the conditions you were experiencing were just like those that've been here for ages (and those of Oneferuss.....or is that "for him" as well;), for which I receive from him constant wailings thereof..... :D)

Bad "seeing" whatever the reasons make you think the planet is a disk of simmering porridge, with nothing of real clarity.....but that is one of the many curses we pay for with this horrendous addiction....!:eek::):p

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By way of a ps Tarqs, I've seen that parallel thread :)

If you wipe the dust off your screen while viewing my pic, you may notice one stubborn speck below Joop.. I believe it's one of the moons.. a perspective on relative sizes and exposures between them...

Km old bean! Me weathereye in the crowsnest aforetells a balmy night ternight, 'ere abouts..

I hope to slip these chains of mediochre meteorological manifestations, and thus inspired by the efforts of the crew here, try me hand at this apparition! (..if I can find the bits among the cobwebs and dust :))

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Hi, the webcam you used didnt have autofocus on it did it??? Also was it webcam held to the eyepiece or using a 1.25 adaptor in place of the eyepiece. Also did u get the focusing good in K3CCD tools with the focuser, as it looks out of focus to me.

Also how much gain did u use, as when I webcam jupiter I used about 12 - 15% gain max and the focus is always as small and detailed as I can get it. Sorry I cant offer more help.

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Hi Anthony,

I agree, I don't think I focused it properly. The webcam didnn't have autofocus on and was attatched to the 'scope in place of the eyepiece.

The webcam software I use doesn't have an option for gain. Could it be called something else?

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