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2" filter troubles


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I have found a way of getting my 2" LP filter to work by pinching it between the 1.25" focuser adaptor and the focuser.. but this is very unstable and not exactly the best way to treat an expensive bit of glass lol.. the only other option is the one that i am dreading!! moving the primary mirror upwards.. now does this reduce any of the quality or change the focal length at all for my scope?



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Moving the primary mirror a few mm won't affect the optical properties. It just means that the focal plane will move further out from the tube. If you move it a lot, then the size of the secondary mirror comes into the calculations ( worry about this later!)

Just make sure you have enough adjustment with the screws and springs.

You'll need to recollimate when you're finished.

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Right i think i have found a solution!

Spending an hour or two fiddling around with various adaptors eps, bits & bobs.

I have it! a solution that will not require me to move the primary, mutilate my equipment or spend stupid amounts of money on a low profile focuser.




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