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GRS "Hoovering" up on Jupier....!

Kokatha man

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Hi all.....Subsequent to an image posted on another forum here in Oz and comments re the interaction of the GRS across the STB to the SSTB I was fortunate enough to capture a few avi's last night where, despite the presence of a strong jetstream, this current phenomenum is clearly evident.....

3rd time out now with this new scope and as I hope to do over time I continue to learn more of the intracies and peccadilos of seeing situations.....I commented elsewhere I didn't think (because of the j/stream etc) and what I saw when eyeball obbing when setting the scope up earlier last night that it would be worthwhile attempting imaging.....but as I keep discovering there a few "absolutes" in this caper: a coupe of the avi's after midnight seemed okay and I picked this one as the first to process from the ones that looked okay when squizzing the avi's in Windows Media on playback.

Pleasantly pleased with the amount of detail extracted.

I'm trying to develope a consistant and - hopefully! - effective processing regimen that "delivers the goods" without being too dependant upon "human vagaries" especially re the ability to consistantly repeat specific processing applications.....and believe I'm making some small progress therein.....(which is one reason the filenames are so long - to quantify/qualify various procedures!!!):):eek:

The interaction of Jove's systems is plain to see in the image: is the GRS doing some "in-house" vacuuming to keep any other "wannabes" under control, and maintain his pre-emminence....!:):p:D


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Thanks Peter, Kieron.....there is every chance one of the earlier (I think!:):):eek:) avi's might show it better - as the night wore on the GRS moved further across and the IS of Anthony Wesley fame disappeared around the limb.....will have a look later!:p

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Yes indeed, a fantastic image. And you have captured the decay of the impact scar very well considering it is so close to the limb. Any later AVIs that might show the scar more clearly?

Regards, Kieron

My apologies Kieron.....of course it'd be the later avi's that it may appear on in a better perspective: I don't know what was going on in my head when I first replied to your comments.....lack of sleep perhaps....!:):p:eek::icon_salut::):icon_salut:

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Thanks for all the kind comments everyone.....and it is true that the sky here is still pretty darn good in a relative way (although when I want to do some "real" DSO'ing" there is no substitute for getting out bush a hundred kliks or so from the city.....)

But by the same token any idea that somehow "point and click" instantly produces uber-detailed planetary images etc by virtue of "sky clarity" per se is seriously misguided.....the main factor influencing planetary imaging at the moment for people in your "neck of the woods" is the elevation Jove reaches as opposed to the last few years down this way.....but your time will come in the next few years....!:eek:

When you are smack in the middle of really seriously light-polluted skies that is no joke.....but I have seen some very detailed images from the UK and Europe etc this apparition.....and if you take into account a little of what it took to get the latest image here, it means I really take my hat off to those sorts of AA'ers!!!:):icon_salut::)

Personaly, I wish that I'd taken this imaging caper with planets up a couple of years earlier when Oz was really well-situated for Jupiter.....even last year it was significantly higher overhead than this apparition - and although I am a "newbie" to all this the hard work with the old 6" achro has stood me in good stead.....but it is no "cake-walk": Friday night's image above was the result of being out in the jetstream-affected nightsky and shooting 25+ Gb of avi's to "bag" this one reasonable image (let's forget about processing time etc....!):p:):D

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Lol, I live under the jet stream for months out of the year so I know what you mean. But still, I definitely appreciate your skills, been doing this on and off for years and my images are still not even close to yours.

If you get to settle down your imaging and processing technique and want to write it down and share it, I am all ears. :)


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Lol, I live under the jet stream for months out of the year so I know what you mean. But still, I definitely appreciate your skills, been doing this on and off for years and my images are still not even close to yours.

If you get to settle down your imaging and processing technique and want to write it down and share it, I am all ears. :p


Hi Daniel - that is exactly what I am attempting to chronicle over the next few months especially.....but from a perspective that looks at it from developing a small understanding of what you are actually doing with various methodolgies and other functions - to me that is a much better way of understanding things and progressing each individual's capabilities.....not from a programmer's perspective but not from some rote-like "do this then that" dogma either - it's taking time but I really want to quantify/qualify everything I can for a "working" rationale without over-taxing people's capabilities or burdening them with info overload....!:):):D:eek:

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Oh, excellent, very much looking forward to your findings. I definitely agree, actually understanding what each part does is much better than following a set recipe. Noel's actions in photoshop are a perfect example, they accomplish specific steps in the process but leave the end user to decide when and how to apply them.

If I can improve my skills even a fraction, it would be very much worth it. I've been in a rut for a long time as far as planetary imaging, haven't really improved much in years and I'm tired of using the sky as an excuse. :)

Best wishes in finishing your project and keep up the great work.


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