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What's the best scope you have had?


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Following on from another post I was going to entitle the post:

Which scope will they have to bury with you?

but that's a bit too morbid.

Which scope would you never give up (in the normal run of things)/which do you wish you'd never got rid of?



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Only had three but it's my.....

Meade Lightbridge 16" dob.

Thats enough scope for anyone believe me.

I don't know about being buried with it, don't think theirs a coffin big enough :)

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I've got the five :) scopes in my signature plus I used to own a 250PX.

The 250PX went because it was too awkward for me to reach the eyepiece and not what I wanted for imaging but it was a good scope.

Each of the ones I still have bring something different to the party. If I could only keep one? ..... I suppose it would be the Flextube because that is the one that gets used most.

However, if I had an observatory, it would be the Takahashi.


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Optically speaking, I've got an FLT98 and an Intes MN61 6" Mak-Newt which are probably the best I've owned (so far) but I miss the TAL 150P as it was the first scope I owned and the Intes MK66 6" Mak-Cass which had to be sold to pay for my son's first bed, otherwise it'd have stayed.

I did pass up the chance to buy a fellow SGL'ers Intes Micro MN86 deluxe not so long ago, I really couldn't afford it but I don't think I'll ever get the chance to buy one again...


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The "best" scope is the one that you're using. Maybe changes every five minutes ... some scopes are great for some things but rotten for others. No use looking for the North America Nebula with a 16" Dob, no point in looking at Mars in a short focus 2" scope.

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They all have good and bad points. Ideally I would like a 40" in a large observatory with totally dark skies and, of course a perfect 10 sky every night to go with it. As for taking it to the grave - what a waste - let others enjoy it.

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Limited scope ownership here my total scope ownership has been

1/ small unremembered refractor, good quality but small when I was young (about 1870 :)) the scope that got me started.

2/ Bigger refractor circa 1975 - unremembered but may have been Tasco - had a red tube anyway - approx 4" objective on an Alt/Az - truly horrid telescope.

3/ 'Helios' 4.5 Reflector on an EQ mount around 1977 - scope lost in the junk of a long and dissolute life :) - had some good views with it and the clockwork RA drive was cute.

4/ SKy-Watcher 130PM - the scope that got me back into astro. Unbelievably good scope for the tiny amount of cash it cost. Fabulous views and would reccomend it to anyone.

5/ Sky-Watcher 200/HEQ5 combination - the scope I always dreamed about when younger when this kind of scope would have cost what a car costs. An 8" NEwt on a powered EQ mount was a dream. In the context of this thread the one I could never imagine selling at least unelss I had an obs in which case I'd go to a bigger Newt on an EQ or split ring mount (stop dreaming there girl :rolleyes:)

6/ Celestron Nexstar 4SE - grab and go - sadly lacking in use at the moment and its fate is to be decided quite soon as to whether it stays or goes in favour of a bigger second scope.

So a limited range there but for me years ago the 6" Newtonian was the 'killer' scope and an 8" was serious stuff. I rememeber presssing my face up to a shop in London and looking at the goodies and wishing I could afford something serious. The fact that stuff is cheaper now doesnt diiminish the thrill of ownership[ one bit and I still go and give the SW200 the odd polish or caress its smooth sides from time to time :) I wouldnt say I am obsessive but occasionally I cant help fiddling with the focuser or realigning the finder to ever sweeter alignment :)

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The best scopes for me have been my 10" Celestron Newtonian - many fantastic views, and a Megrez 90 that I had for a time. The Megrez 90 arrived around the same time Comet Holmes does and it was the perfect scope for the widefield views it gave. It was also the first scope that I'd used where I realized aperture wasn't everything and the first to have me choose to leave the C10 in the shed some nights.

I wouldn't want to be buried with a scope however - just my 24mm Pan and Pentax 10mm XW eyepieces :)


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